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There are many similarities between India and China. They are among the four ancient civilizations of the world, with a long history and splendid ancient civilizations. They are both very populous countries in Asia. So it is not surprising that the two countries are compared side by side. Although India's GDP growth has been good in recent years and its population will soon surpass China's, in many ways India is not developing as well as China.


In 2019, India's GDP was $2.85 trillion, ranking fifth in the world, while China's GDP reached $14.36 trillion, ranking second in the world. China's GDP was about 5.04 times that of India during the same period. China's per capita income is already four times India's. (In DOLLARS)

India has 25 percent more arable land than China, second only to the United States, but in nearly 70 years from 1949 to 2016, India's per capita grain production was only about 200 kg, not even the level of China in 1949.



The share of output value of Indian industry rose slowly from 13.6% in 1950 to 24.7% in 2006, basically stagnating for nearly 30 years. China's industrial output rose from 20% in 1952 to nearly 50% in 2006.

In terms of highway length, China had 41,000 km in 2005 (130,000 km in 2016) while India had only 1,300 km in 2016.



In terms of import and export trade volume, China is $4.4 trillion and India is $760 billion.

China's poor account for only about 5% of the total population, while India accounts for half.

(all the above are from reliable public data.)

So Why has China developed so much faster than India?





1.China's strategy of Rejuvenating the country through science and education. Talented people are very important to the development of a country. It won't take long for India's population to catch up with China's, but there is still a gap between the quality of its labor force and China's. Most of the population does not have modern knowledge system, especially the most basic knowledge of natural science. In China, however, thanks to simplified Chinese characters and the popularization of nine-year compulsory education, the illiteracy rate dropped from 80 percent to 2.67 percent between 1949 and 2021. According to UNESCO, India has the world's largest illiterate population, with 287 million adults illiterate. By contrast, China has a large and well-qualified labor force and talent capital. There are nearly 900 million working people, 170 million with higher education or professional skills, and more than 91 million scientific and technological workers, providing a human resource guarantee for the development of China's science and technology, industry and information industries.


1.China's institutional advantages. One might argue with me, because western scholars generally believe that Indian democracy is better. India is a multi-party state, with some Western traditions from the British colonial period preserved and election decisions made in the west. The United States is a country with many parties. Let's see what the parties are.


There used to be an old saying to describe Indian politics, "Decree does not leave New Delhi", which shows the inefficiency of Indian administration. Not only that, India also has high levels of corruption. The control, appeal, and organizational level of the Indian government and political parties are far below people's expectations.

Moreover, the caste system has always existed in India and the fortress between classes can never be broken, so how to guarantee social equity, educational equity and social vitality? Moreover, the caste system has always existed in India and the fortress between classes can never be broken, so how to guarantee social equity, educational equity and social vitality? Upper castes do not have to work very hard to get good jobs and enjoy good treatment, which encourages some of them to be lazy; The lower castes, on the other hand, have to suffer, thinking that this is their destiny and cannot be changed. The result is that their creative spirit and initiative are restricted and restrained.





The advantages of China's socialist system are reflected in the fact that China is led by the communist Party of China and has a unified ideology, high organizational discipline and high work efficiency. At the same time, the socialist system has the political advantage of being able to concentrate resources to accomplish major tasks and organize forces from all sectors of society to form a strong synergy. Moreover, the Chinese people are the real masters of China, so we can find that China has done a good job in ensuring the unity of urban and rural areas, the employment system of fair competition, and improving the rural social security system.



I'm talking about what I think are the deeper reasons, and there are many other reasons as well, which are described in detail in other answers. In short, for India to truly rise, it may indeed need a subversive social revolution to change its loose system, backward caste system, unprogressive national character, and grossly unequal education. Otherwise, the gap between China and India will continue to widen.



非營利組織 TechnoGeek 總裁奧哈斯·阿羅拉進一步說明到



All that was different was China’s realization in 1980’s and post 1980 polices. Let’s have a look at the differences and analyse ideologically.

不同的是中國在 1980 年代和1980 年後的政策. 讓我們來看看差異並從思想上進行分析

  • When India was busy discussing Religions, China was working on it’s economic policies:

India was and still is busy fighting internally, discussing which religion to follow, what to eat, and what all does the different religions allow, China was making policies and bringing in economic revolution.

  • 當印度忙於討論宗教時,中國正在制定其經濟政策:


  • When India was busy producing Children, Chinese brought the One Child Policy:

India’s population as we all know had been increasing at an alarming rate, so was the Chinese population but here came the Chinese policy of One Child and it certainly made all the difference. China went up with the maximum working population(age group of 20–24 as the International Labor Organisation calculates) with less number of Infants and Old people.

  • 當印度忙於生孩子時,中國人帶來了獨生子女政策

眾所周知,印度人口以驚人的速度增長,中國人口也是如此,但中國的獨生子女政策來了,這無疑使一切變得不同。中國以最高工作人口(國際勞工組織計算的 20-24 歲年齡組)上升,嬰兒和老年人數量較少。

  • When India’s was struggling to give basic education to the people, Chinese gave advance education to the population:

India almost has 224 million people poised to get into higher education and of the age group of (10–19 years) but only 18% actually reached into the college or University or some other Higher education system(sad but true).

  • 當印度努力為人民提供基礎教育時,中國為人民提供了先進的教育:

印度幾乎有 2.24 億人準備接受高等教育和年齡組(10-19 歲),但只有 18% 的人真正進入了學院或大學或其他一些高等教育系統(悲傷但真實)。

  • When India was busy giving jobs and seats to the reserved, China gave jobs to and seats to the deserved.

India’s reservation policy is an absolute disadvantage. The people are given Jobs on the basis of their caste and not on their family’s income or efficiency. That’s the modern form of discrimination in India.

  • 當印度忙於為保留的人提供工作和席位時,中國給了應得的工作和席位。


  • When India was busy learning English, Chinese spent the same time thinking, and implementing in “Chinese Language”:

Indians are taught English first and Science later. Chinese however use their mother tongue and excel in every field.

  • 在印度忙於學習英語的同時,中國人也在用“漢語”來思考和實踐:


  • When Indians were busy struggling with Licence Raj, Chinese gave way to open trade and focused on Exports.

License Raj was one of the most distressing things that India got rid off at the time of 1991.

  • 當印度人忙於與License Raj鬥爭時,中國讓位於開放貿易並專注於出口。

License Raj 是印度在 1991 年擺脫的最令人痛苦的事情之一。

  • When India was struggling with Emergency and other instabilities of Governments, Chinese had the Communist party taking up decisions bluntly and paving way for development.

Although many challenge that Single Party System of China is not good, it is efficient enough to stop the hurdles coming in the path of development.

  • 當印度正與政府的緊急狀態和其他不穩定因素作鬥爭時,中國直言不諱地做出決定併為發展鋪平道路。


  • While India was busy working for Americans and doing the Tertiary works, China was committed to become a Manufacturing Hub in the world.

Yes, India’s Jobs depend on the outsourcing. Trump comes in and we loose jobs, however in China the manufacturing and exports make it a stable economy.

  • 當印度忙於為美國人工作並從事第三產業時,中國則致力於成為世界製造中心。


分類: 遊戲
時間: 2021-12-18



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