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A large number of archaeological evidence shows that thousands of years ago, a large number of farmers poured into Japan from the Asian continent. They are called maisheng people. With the overwhelming advantage of production technology, they replaced the rope pattern people mainly engaged in hunting and gathering in Japan.


The mitochondrial DNA analysis of Japanese rope literati and modern Japanese samples shows that there is discontinuity between the mitochondrial DNA of residents in rope literati era and modern Japanese. It may be that in the Yayoi era, there was a conflict between the aboriginal rope literati and the Yayoi. The Yayoi were much more advanced than the rope literati in terms of weapons and productivity. At that time, the rope literati were still in the stone age and far behind the Yayoi. Therefore, the rope literati were defeated in this conflict and had to move to Hokkaido island. In the ancient tomb era, the rope literati have completely integrated with the maisheng people to form a Dahe nation.




The deathbed period was named after an area near Tokyo, where archaeologists discovered the cultural relics and remains of that era for the first time. The remarkable characteristics of the Yasheng period include the style of Yasheng pottery and the formation of rice field intensive rice agriculture. The hierarchical structure of Japanese society began in this period, and this feature originated in China. From the south of Kyushu to the north of Honshu, maisei culture flourished.


During the dying period, the culture of China and its vassal state Korea reached Japan at different times in the following centuries. China's influence is evident in bronze and copper weapons, Taoist temples and irrigated rice cultivation. The three main symbols of maisheng culture are copper mirror, copper sword and royal seal stone.


Archaeological evidence shows that maisheng culture is related to the Yangtze River Delta


From 1996 to 1999, a team led by Cong Yamaguchi, a researcher at the National Museum of natural sciences of Japan, found maisheng remains in Yamaguchi and Fukuoka counties of Japan and compared them with those in Jiangsu Province along the coast of China. The research team found many similarities between the remains of maisheng and Jiangsu. DNA testing further linked maisheng to the Yangtze River region of China.


DNA tests show that some of the earliest rice growers in Japan may have migrated from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China more than 2000 years ago. Genetic similarity was found between the human remains of the dying period found in southwest Japan and the early Han Dynasty remains found in Jiangsu Province, China. Scientists say the people who introduced irrigation technology to the Japanese Islands either came from the Korean Peninsula opposite the Tsushima Strait or from northern China opposite the Yellow Sea.


It is said that China's first emperor (Qin Shihuang) dreamed of immortality and sent Xu Fu (Zhu Fu in Japanese legend) and thousands of young men and women to look for immortality medicine. A team led by Xu Fu is said to have landed in today's Kumano area of Japan's triple county. Later, Xu Fu decided to stay in Xingu and never returned to the state of Qin. The agricultural technology and knowledge brought by Xu Fu are said to have greatly improved the quality of life of the ancient Japanese.




In the 15th century, Tokugawa shuntengbu, the Lord of Guiqiu, placed a tombstone in shingu to commemorate Xu Fu. In 1994, Xingu city built a memorial park around Xu Fu's tombstone and named it "Zhou Fu Memorial Park". In any case, Xu Fu's departure from China is generally consistent with the Yayoi civilization in Japan.


Records of Japan in ancient China


The earliest written records about the Japanese came from Chinese historical materials in the dying period. Wo, the pronunciation of early Japanese Chinese names, was mentioned in AD 57; At the end of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu gave NaVO a gold seal. This event was recorded in the book of the later Han Dynasty compiled by Fan Ye in the fifth century. This seal was later found in the north of Kyushu in the 18th century. In 257 ad, the annals of the Three Kingdoms compiled by Chen Shou, a scholar of the third century, also mentioned "he nationality".




Ancient Chinese books in the third century also recorded that the Japanese lived on raw fish, vegetables, bamboo and rice on wooden trays, clapped their hands and worshipped (the shrine still does this), and built mounds for sacrifice. They also maintained patriarchal relations, collected taxes, owned provincial granaries and markets, and the basic feature of society was violent struggle.


In Wei Zhi, it first mentioned Yamataikoku (邪馬臺國) and sharmaness Queen Himiko (卑彌呼), and chronicled a tributary relationship between Himiko and the Cao Wei Kingdom (220–265AD) during the Three Kingdom period. It recorded that the Yayoi people chose her as ruler following decades of civil war. Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingu, who was regent (200–269AD) in roughly the same era as Himiko.

在《魏志》中,它首先提到了山太國(邪馬臺國) 還有夏曼內斯女王希米科(卑彌呼), 並記載了三國時期日美子與曹魏國(公元220-265年)的朝貢關係。據記載,經過幾十年的內戰,彌生人選擇她為統治者。早期的日本歷史中沒有提到日美子,但歷史學家將她與金谷皇后等傳奇人物聯絡在一起,金谷皇后與日美子大致處於同一時代,是攝政王(公元200-269年)。

Wei Zhi mentioned that the Chinese envoys sent by the kingdom of Cao Wei to Japan recorded that some Japanese scholars believe that the Dahe people and the Dahe dynasty may be the descendants of the ancient Chinese feudal state of Wu, or even the direct descendants of Tiber. Wu Taibo is a historical figure of the state of Wu in the Yangtze River Basin of China.

《魏志》提到曹魏王國派往日本的中國使節記載,倭人的 一些學者認為,大和人和大和王朝可能是中國古代封地吳國的後裔,甚至是泰伯的直接後裔。吳泰伯是中國長江流域吳國的歷史人物。

In history, Taber was the eldest son of Duke Zhou. When King Zhou wanted his youngest son to become crown prince, Taber and another brother left for the southeast and settled in today's Jiangsu Province. There, Taber and his followers established the state of Wu. Taber's nephew, King Wu of Zhou, later overthrew the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty. Taber is also known as Wu, the ancestor of all Chinese people (吳).




Part of it is true, although most Japanese are reluctant to admit it.


There are at least three previous genetic groups that make up the current Japanese.




The first category is more closely related to the indigenous peoples of the Philippines, Taiwan Island and Okinawa. They may have been the first people to come to the Japanese islands, but they were expelled to the far north by later residents.


The second category is related to Mongolian and Korean, from the Korean Peninsula. At the beginning of the last glacial maximum about 28000 years ago, the Japanese islands could enter through the Korean Peninsula and move between the Korean Peninsula. From 16000 to 17000 years ago, due to sea level rise, the expansion of the Korean Strait may lead to the subsequent isolation of the Jomon lineage from the rest of the mainland. These time ranges are also consistent with the oldest evidence of rope pottery production.


The third time came from southern China. Maisheng, one of the ancestors of modern Japanese, has the genetic characteristics widely existing in Northeast Asia such as Liaohe River Basin in Northeast China. On the other hand, Gufen people have many genetic characteristics in East Asia, and this characteristic is basically consistent with the genetic characteristics of modern Japanese. Some people speculate that the ancestors of modern Japanese are mainly immigrants from all over southern China.


As for the cultural influence, it is inevitable that most of Japan's cultural traditions come from China, and a considerable part of them are spread through North Korea. Almost all Japanese culture was rooted in China in the past. From written books to architecture and diet, even the whole samurai culture is based on the myth of heroes in the romance of the Three Kingdoms.


Many Japanese history involves Japan's admiration and imitation of China, which is shameful - just as most European countries are willing to be influenced by the Romans, this is the only way for the evolution of civilization.


分類: 文化
時間: 2021-12-11



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