光緒二十二年(1896)11月在安慶建立安徽銀元局。光緒二十三年(1897年)安徽巡撫鄧華熙向清廷呈 鑄造銀元 的奏摺,獲准後即派侯補道員潘汝傑赴滬訂購西方進口全套造幣機器。第二年(1898年)即光緒二十四年是干支紀年的戊戌年,安徽銀元局鑄造了“二十四年安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分”和“戊戌安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分”兩種版式的銀元主幣。兩種版式銀幣正面的漢字和滿文風格以及六花星的形狀均有明顯區別,但是銀幣背面的英文、龍圖和六花星設計基本相同。 戊戌年造的光緒元寶庫平七錢二分的出現不僅反映出當時社會的政治經濟狀況,還為今人研究古時社會提供了有利的實物資料,具有十分重要的意義。
安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分,錢幣正面珠圈內為“光緒元寶”四字直讀, 上環安徽省造,下環庫平七錢二分幣值,左右長壽花裝飾,錢幣背面中心為蟠龍圖,神龍身軀豐滿,粗壯威武,張牙舞爪,形態逼真,旁邊有祥雲相伴,更顯大氣磅礴,帝王威風凜然之氣躍然而出,甚是令人敬畏;龍的周邊刻制著英文字樣,標明瞭當時中國從政治和經濟方面已經與外國接軌,影響十分深遠,具有無法估量的藝術價值和收藏價值。此幣儲存完整,圖案深俊,錢文清晰,字型圓潤俊美,筆畫遒勁有力,包漿輕薄均勻,銀光溫潤,聲音悠長,堪稱出類拔萃,為藏家夢寐以求,極為珍貴。細賞其紋飾,蜿蜒盤踞的神龍在平坦光潔的鏡面上顯得格外醒目,栩栩如生,有立體雕塑之感,用手觸控,可感受到排列整齊的龍鱗和凹凸有致的鑄造工藝,手感十分舒適,質感極佳。如此別具一格的設計,不僅凸顯出神龍的威武霸氣,還彰顯了匠師們高超嫻熟的鑄造工藝,實乃精絕之作。
“物以稀為貴”是亙古不變的市場價值規律。安徽省造光緒元寶錢幣由於開鑄時間短,鑄造量少,存世量不多,曾在2019年保利的錢幣專場拍賣中,一枚奪冠,成為幣王,瞬間引起了收藏界的高度關注,而且在收藏市場上一旦出現,即被收藏者作為藏品迅速收入囊中,非常搶手。而庫平七錢二分這種規格的光緒元寶在交易市場上更是難以尋覓,很少能見到其蹤跡,故而安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分 市場價值難以言喻,彌足珍貴。
英文翻譯:In November 1896, guangxu established anhui Silver Dollar Bureau in Anqing. In the 23rd year of Guangxu (1897), Anhui Governor Deng Huaxi presented a document of minting silver yuan to the Qing Court. After being approved, he sent The assistant governor Pan Rujie to Shanghai to order a full set of mint machines imported from the West. The second year (1898) that guangxu twenty-four years is the year of ganzhi Wuxu, Anhui Silver Dollar bureau cast "twenty-four years Of Anhui Province guangxu Yuan treasure house ping seven money two points" and "Wuxu Anhui Province Guangxu Yuan treasure house Ping seven money two points" two types of silver dollar main coin. The Chinese characters and Manchu style on the front of the two types of silver coins and the shape of the six-flower star are obviously different, but the English, dragon and six-flower star designs on the back of the silver coin are basically the same. The appearance of the guangxu Yuan treasure house made in 1898 not only reflects the political and economic situation of the society at that time, but also provides favorable material materials for the study of ancient society, which has very important significance.
Anhui Guangxu yuanbao
Anhui province seven money guangxu yuan treasure ping binary, coin positive bead circle for "guangxu ingots" four word direct reading, ring made in anhui province, on the flat ring library seven binary value of money, about longevity flower decoration, coin on the back of the center for panlong figure, the dragon body plump, thick mighty, teeth bared, vivid, beside xiangyun, more majestic, The majestically awe-inspiring spirit of the emperor jumped out, however, which is awe-inspiring; Around the dragon are carved English words, indicating that China had been in line with foreign countries in terms of politics and economy at that time, and the influence was very far-reaching, with inestimable artistic value and collection value. This coin is completely preserved, with deep and handsome pattern, clear money text, round and beautiful fonts, powerful strokes, thin and uniform coating pulp, warm silver light, long voice, which can be called outstanding, coveted by collectors, and extremely precious. Fine appreciation of its ornamentation, winding dragon appears particularly striking on the flat and smooth mirror surface, lifelike, three-dimensional sculpture feeling, touch with the hand, can feel the dragon scale arranged neatly and concave and convex have the casting process, feel very comfortable, texture is excellent. Such a unique design, not only highlights the dragon's power and domineering spirit, but also highlights the artisans' superb and skilled casting process, it is a masterpiece.
"Rare things are expensive" is an immutable law of market value. Anhui province to build guangxu cast ingots COINS as open time is short, casting quantity is little, only a few, in 2019, the coin of poly special auction, a title, to become a king of coin, caused the height of the collectors, and once appear, in the collection market is collectors as collection, quickly in hot demand. And kuping seven money two this specification of Guangxu yuanbao in the trading market is more difficult to find, rarely see its trace, so Anhui Province guangxu Yuan treasure pingqi money two market value is indescribable, is precious.
God bless the money handed down is not much, in addition to the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang's collection of sales and financing, the existing handed down products are less. "Wang Yinjia product Spring record" said :" God bless the money spread so far, has been rare if star phoenix ", "even if Wu Zhong, also is a rare." "Wuzhong" is zhang Shicheng's activity area. In 1356, Zhang Shicheng made pingjiang (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu Province) his capital. Because of repeated defeat in Zhu Yuanzhang, the next year reduced yuan. After extension to northern Anhui, Southern Shandong, eastern Zhejiang, not a few, claiming to be the King of Wu. In 1367, Zhu Yuanzhang's troops broke up Pingjiang, and he was captured in Yingtian (modern Nanjing, Jiangsu Province), with an halter.
God bless TongBao
The front side of this "Yuan You Tongbao" coin is engraved with "Yuan You Tongbao", the handwriting is clear, vigorous and powerful. View of its cast, cast orderly, the edge is round, flat chapter, wearing edge clean, excellent foundry, but also show the word profile deep tall and straight, refined add. Appreciate its qian wen, it can be seen that the unique font end of Yuan you Tong Bao beautiful bright eye, very tolerant!
The coin is smooth on the back, and the overall currency surface is more distinct. It is a bronze round coin with a square hole in the middle. The coin is oxidized uniformly before and after, and has obvious original light pulp. Xianfeng Heavy Treasure identity is very noble, is the love of many coin collectors and research experts, so it also shows an excellent market collection value.