圖源:@夏安與秋 微博
圖源:@夏安與秋 微博
China’s League of Legends Pro League broadcast evolves every year. This year in 2021, LPL English took it up a notch to include post-game interviews after every match.
Wendy Xia An led these interviews as the league’s latest talent. She not only translates from Chinese to English, but also from Korean to English, for she is effectively trilingual.
Throughout Spring and Summer Splits, she brought Chinese and Korean players closer to English-speaking fans across languages.
此前,夏安曾在接受ONE Esports 網站英文采訪時,分享了自己學習多種語言的經歷與心得。
圖源:ONE Esports 網站報道截圖
In an interview with ONE Esports, Wendy shares her story on how she became the English broadcast’s most recognizable interviewer, how she picked up so many languages, and the hosts she looks up to in the esports industry.
圖源:ONE Esports
"Since 2012, I have studied in Singapore. From there, I think I naturally learned English through this whole process because all the courses were taught in English, right?"
圖源:ONE Esports
"As for Korean, it was because I was very interested in K-pop and I watched a lot of LCK matches previously. So at the university, I took up some Korean-related courses. And after that I kept practicing those languages."
"Also, I was pretty interested in the Esports industry and I’ve realized that Mandarin, English and Korean are the three most commonly used languages in this industry, so I tried to put in the effort into practicing those languages."
圖源:ONE Esports
"I still remember the first time that I stood in front of the camera, it was 2019, and at that time, I was the simultaneous interpreter for LCK Chinese. And my body was shaking, like my whole brain had turned blank and I couldn’t say anything in front of the camera. I was super nervous at that time, but then I tried to keep going because this is my job. I need to do it well. If I’m standing here, I need to just calm down and keep everything together. "
綜合來源:中國日報雙語新聞 ONE Esports Twitter