編輯和整理了雙語寶寶(Simultaneous Bilingual babies 即從出生同時開始中英文雙語教育的寶寶)一歲及以前所應具備的言語表達能力。如果您的寶寶是從出生就開始雙語啟蒙的,可對照考查寶寶的英語發展進度。
- Calms down if crying or smiles when spoken to 聽到話語時,停止哭鬧平靜下來,或露笑
- Recognizes your voice 認得父母的聲音
- Coos and makes pleasure sounds 興奮時會“嗯嗯啊啊”地發聲
- Has a special way of crying for different needs 有不同需求時,發出不同的哭聲
- Responds to changes in the tone of your voice 能分辨語流中語調的變化
- Pays attention to music 聽音樂時會專注
- Babbles in a speech-like way and uses many different sounds, including sounds that begin with p, b, and m 會咿咿呀呀地“交流”,能發p,b,和m等音
- Makes gurgling sounds when alone or playing with you 獨處或與成人互動時會發出“咯咯咯”的聲音
- Babbles using long and short groups of sounds, tata, bibibi,dada “咿呀”中有長短不一的音節
- Engaged in communication with adult including eye contact 喜歡與大人交流, 有眼神接觸
- Enjoys playing peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake 喜歡跟大人玩遊戲,如“躲貓貓”(把臉一隱一現地逗他玩)和“拍拍手”(你拍一我拍一)
- Listens when spoken to and have communicative intent 與他講話,會專注地聽,有與人交流的慾望
- Response to name 叫他的名字,有回應
- Understands words for common items such as cup, shoe, bed 懂一些物品名稱,如杯子,鞋子, 床
- Responds to commands like Come here! Look at this! 能聽從指令,如“看這裡”,“過來”
- Communicates using gestures such as waving or holding up arms 會用一些肢體語言,如揮手,抱臂
- Imitates different speech sounds 會模仿大人的語音
- Has one or two words, Hi, dog, baba, or Mama by first birthday 1歲生日前後能說一兩個詞,如爸爸,媽媽
This checklist is based upon How Does Your Child Hear and Talk? Courtesy of the American Speech–Language–Hearing Association.