085 原子理論
Atomic Theory
As was written, all matter except dark matter is made of molecules, which are themselves made of atoms. The atoms are the smallest constituents of ordinary matter, which can be divided without the release of electrically charged particles. The atoms consist of two parts. An atomic nucleus and an electron cloud. The electrons are spinning around the atomic nucleus. The nucleus itself is generally made of protons and neutrons.
This model is today quite clear and proven. But the path to this model was complex and full of many surprising findings. A scientific theory, which deals with the nature of matter is known as atomic theory. Atomic theory began as a philosophical concept in ancient Greece and India. It must be added, atomism was one of a number of competing theories on the nature of matter. These ancient philosophers speculated that the earth was made up of different combinations of basic substances, or elements.
The word “atom” was coined by the ancient Greek philosophers Leucippus, Epicurus and Democritus. They supposed that the properties of materials were determined by the different shapes and forms of their atoms. This word comes from the Ancient Greek adjective atomos, meaning “indivisible“.
1)留基伯(希臘文: Λεύκιππος, 英文: Leucippus 或 Leukippos,約公元前 500—約公元前440年)是古希臘唯物主義哲學家,原子論的奠基人之一。 一說他出生在古希臘的米利都,又傳他生在色雷斯(Thrace)南部沿海的古希臘殖民地阿布德拉(Abdera)。約逝於公元前440年。 留基伯是率先提出原子論(萬物由原子構成)的哲學家,也是德謨克利特的老師。他的學說受到4個思想家和哲學家的影響——泰勒斯、芝諾、恩培多克勒、阿那克薩哥拉。
2)伊壁鳩魯(希臘文:Έπίκουρος,英文:Epicurus,公元前341 - 前270年),古希臘哲學家、無神論者(被認為是西方第一個無神論哲學家),伊壁鳩魯學派的創始人。