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崇寧重寶系北宋徽宗崇寧年間鑄(公元1102年~1106年),幣質有銅、鐵、銀。 崇寧重寶為隸書銅、鐵大錢,製作多亦精好,存世較多.











背面曲須飛龍環繞,中書漢字壹圓幣值,下書英文壹圓幣值:ONE DOLLAR,龍身周圍祥雲圍繞。蟠龍沿邊緣自左向右騰雲而起,龍頭居上,龍珠在“圓”字下方,龍眼凹突,鼻樑俏上。此枚藏品無明顯磨損痕跡,品相非常完美,包漿厚實老到,不論是文字還是圖案,都顯得自然細膩,深淺合適,加上製作工藝精美、標準,藏品存世量稀少,尤顯珍貴。




英文翻譯:The double flag coin was produced in the Period of the Republic of China, and the Republic of China only existed for several decades in China. During these decades, China suffered from constant internal and external wars. Therefore, in the era of war and chaos, the coin could still be completely preserved after endless years. Well preserved, clear money inscription and pattern, obvious circulation traces, natural patina, bright copper color.

Because the double flag coin was created in the Period of the Republic of China, the Republic of China only existed for several decades in Chinese history. It is not easy for the coin to remain intact after experiencing countless years, and it has high cultural relic preservation value, historical and cultural value and art appreciation value. Although there are more coins in the Period of the Republic of China, they are not seen much in today's collection market.

200 stripes double flag coin: it can be seen that this double flag is two-sided five-color flag, belongs to the early version, up and down English, the value of 200 stripes, belongs to the large face value of the double flag coin, the circulation is very few, the circulation time is short, the existence is rare, has a high collection value.

Founding COINS: positive by double ring, outer ring on regular script "of the republic of China" four words, underneath, the founder of regular script, commemorative COINS, a five-star club around each grain, on one side of the inner ring double flag iron 18 flag shape using the shape of the leaves, on the other side of the five colours of the stripes on the flag can be affected by warlord COINS at the time and become fastidious up: Wavy lines, double flag crossing top hibiscus.

Opposite a double ring, outer ring in Chinese English, inner ring of spikes of golden harvest grain, in the currency, wrapped slurry surface, make money if you have put on a coat to protect the coin, rust has obvious grain feeling, for real, no doubt, have almost no longer oxidation patina of COINS can better collection preservation, and the wrapped slurry cannot be copied, is also a shortcut for the identification of new and old COINS.

Double flag coin is very scarce, everyone knows many years of the republic of China Anti-Japanese War, the war takes a lot of bullets, and the best material make the bullet is the period of the republic of China in coppers, resulting in a large number of copper coin of the republic of China made of shells, were destroyed to the double flag currency is rare, and hunan as more important revolution, this money is still with the breath of revolution.

The two double flag currency modelling elegant, coin overall neat, natural oxidation to form wrapped slurry, the bottom light is downy, quality perfect, and the founding COINS is the beginning of the republic of China, in line with the collection of orz, hide the head of the republic of China, also is the 2000 years of feudal dynasty burial toward democracy society's important turning point, and coin products are superior in phase, extremely collection value.

Chongning Chongbao, one of the ancient Coins of China. It was cast in the reign of Chongning of Huizong in the Northern Song Dynasty (1102 ~1106 AD). Face text "Chongning Chongbao" official script for reading, simple and square, mostly on the back of light, a few on the back of stars, the moon, the cross and so on.

Chongning Chongbao is one of the most important coins in the late Northern Song Dynasty, and also the most varied coins in the northern Song Dynasty. According to statistics, the edition of Chongning heavy treasure is probably in more than 300 kinds, the chongning heavy treasure that has different edition every year is discovered by connoisseur or Tibet friend.

Different editions of Chongning heavy treasure together have a high collection and ornamental value.

Chongning Chongning heavy treasure system of the Northern Song Dynasty Huizong Chongning years cast (AD 1102 ~1106), the coin quality of copper, iron, silver. Chongning treasure is a large amount of copper and iron in official script.

Chongning heavy treasure qian wen official script, primitive, rigorous and solemn, fixed law. Some people think that chongning chongbao qian wen was also written by Huizong, and some say that its face wen was written by CAI Jing, but there is no conclusion in history.

Tang ning bao

This thousands of years of tang ning heavy treasure, for round square hole copper coin, size is correct, positive "ning bao" COINS official script to read four word, font dignified neat, stroke plump, tall and handsome, this money back light, perforated clean, COINS and tidy, of primitive simplicity, founder testimonies fixed, rigorous solemn, natural old wrapped slurry, the currency has undergone the endless years, but the lines are still clear, Quite rare. As one of the famous springs of Huizong in the Northern Song Dynasty, Chongning annual name is a collection of calligraphy and casting art. It has important historical value and artistic value, and has been paid more and more attention by the collection circle.

Carefully observe this coin, after the baptism of time, years of erosion, the color of this coin has been different. The font is plain and simple, and the four traditional characters "Chongning Chongbao" shine brightly. Between the lines left on the coin, is the corrosion of the coin of green rust, green rust lets a person know its history of years, is not artificially carved by the offspring. The central part of the coin is a perforated square pattern. This coin casting shape is convenient for ordinary people to string it up and hang it on their body, which is not easy to lose. On the back, there is no font printed. It is reported that Chongning Heavy treasure has more than 100 kinds of editions, the back of the coin has a plenty of flower wear, the inscription mark, also have a plenty of star and moon pattern shape, the back of the coin does not have any special mark, is also one of the rare version.

At that time, silver dollar circulated according to the value of gold and was the symbol of gold value. When the gold standard was not yet implemented, it was generally advocated that the silver standard should be implemented first. On this premise, the "two dollar dispute" of monetary units came into being. Some people hold that the silver dollar should weigh one or two, while others hold that it should weigh seven coins and two cents, that is, the yuan should be taken as the unit.

Qing silver coin Qu Must Dragon one yuan, Qing Xuantong three years (1911) cast in Tianjin Minting Factory. At that time, the Qing government wanted to unify the currency system, and hired overseas senior technicians to design and manufacture this set of xuantong three-year Qing silver coins. There were six or seven formats, and Quxulong was one of them. The new coin has just been cast successfully, when the Uprising of Wuchang, so most of the new silver coins were stillborn and scarce. Quxulong is named for its curved head on the back, and its tail is huge, which is also known as the big tail dragon. It is valued by people for its delicate pattern and rare existence.

Xuantong three years big Qing silver coin

The back of the song must fly around the dragon, Chinese characters ONE yuan value, the book English ONE DOLLAR value :ONE DOLLAR, dragon body around auspicious clouds. Panlong along the edge from left to right teng cloud from the head, dragon bead in the "round" word below, longan concave process, qiao on the bridge of the nose. This collection has no obvious wear marks, the appearance is very perfect, the pulp is thick and old, whether it is text or pattern, it is natural and delicate, the depth is appropriate, and the production process is exquisite, the standard, the collection is rare, especially precious.

Let's look at this silver dollar, this bag of pulp with taste, this one is the original light phase, panlong is very vivid, clear handwriting, sharp edge teeth, shining, very beautiful, is a rare boutique. Inside the positive bead circle is the four characters of "Da Qing Silver Coin" in Chinese, the regular script is dignified, thick and vigorous, showing the royal majesty, and the left and right sides are decorated with long branches of chrysanthemum. The upper book is "Da Qing silver coin" in Manchu, and the lower book is "Xuantong Three years".

October 10, 1911 (August 19, 1911 in the Lunar calendar) Wuchang Uprising, also known as the First Yi of Xinhai or The First Yi of Wuhan, a mutiny in Wuchang, Hubei province aimed at overthrowing the Qing Dynasty, also the beginning of the Xinhai Revolution. This is the beginning of the revolution, this year the most commemorative value, mo belong to the qing dynasty finally issued currency 'qing xuantong three years silver it is collected at the end of the qing dynasty, is a collection of more than 2000 years at the end of the feudal dynasty, accords with collection to learn in the end, the Tibetan is thousands of years, because of the silver market scarce, is already a daughter comes easily, A treasure is hard to find "treasure money", can collect this coin, is also a symbol of wealth.

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時間: 2021-09-15



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