The Language & Culture Press of the Ministry of Education of China and Tencent jointly launched "Town of Putonghua" a video game based on the national textbook "1,000 Sentences of Putonghua". The product aims to promote Putonghua and assist with learning by combining gaming experiences similar to the popular board game Monopoly and shadow reading of Putonghua text.
The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the National 14th Five-Year Plan stated that it is imperative to improve the quality and level of education in rural and pastoral areas, and also increase the promotion of the national common spoken and written language.
Qinghai is a large province in western China. Promotion of Putonghua will have a positive influence on strengthening communication within and outside Qinghai.
As the national common language, Putonghua works as a bridge in teaching and learning.The Qinghai Department of Education encourages local teachers and parents to garner fluent Putonghua skills.Speaking fluent Putonghua will also bring more development opportunities for the local economy, as well as attract more talents to settle in and help build a better future for Qinghai.
作為推廣普通話的創新模式,《普通話小鎮》將學習過程與遊戲結合,上手門檻低,趣味性強。其中,最常見且重要的訓練形式,便是跟讀:系統會先進行普通話示範領讀,使用者進行跟讀複述,App內建的騰訊 AI Lab 語音識別系統將像老師一樣聆聽使用者的發音,並給出判斷,以五邊形的形式呈現使用者發音平翹舌、前後鼻音、準確度、流暢度、聲調五部分的準確度,使用者可以在取得分數的同時,清晰地看到自己發音的不足之處,並加以針對性強化學習。
“Town of Putonghua” has been used as a learning aide in many areas across China since its launch last year.
With the development of advanced technology, the potential of gaming has been repeatedly utilized, and many functionalities have emerged during the process. On top of “Town of Putonghua”,many other games are starting to play positive roles in people’s daily lives.
Living in an age of digitalization, the advance of technology is making knowledge sharing easier and more entertaining. When more games like "Town of Putonghua" are released in the digital world, the popularity of Putonghua will keep increasing, and it will bring people in the real world closer together. When separate "towns" are connected in a "concentric network", everyone will find a way to realize their value and create a better life together.