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這些大戰跟我有什麼鳥關係(vim vs emacs, mac vs linux, 這些…),除了下面這個。看下面這條。







技術棧很重要。噢,對,我好像剛剛講了這不重要,好吧,接著聽我嘮一嘮。你聽人講Python 開發,和講C++ 開發,你會說這區別蠻大的,對不對?因為幹什麼活就得用什麼工具。如果你不明白該用什麼,那就用Java吧。這種程式語言雖然爛到家了,但它又什麼都能幹。



如果說要重視測試(Test),那麼就需要把測試驅動開發 (TDD)供上神壇。














































I'm drunk and I'll probably regret this, but here's a drunken rank of things I've learned as an engineer for the past 10 years.

The best way I've advanced my career is by changing companies.

Technology stacks don't really matter because there are like 15 basic patterns of software engineering in my field that apply. I work in data so it's not going to be the same as webdev or embedded. But all fields have about 10-20 core principles and the tech stack is just trying to make those things easier, so don't fret overit.

There's a reason why people recommend job hunting. If I'm unsatisfied at a job, it's probably time to move on.

I've made some good, lifelong friends at companies I've worked with. I don't need to make that a requirement of every place I work. I've been perfectly happy working at places where I didn't form friendships with my coworkers and I've been unhappy at places where I made some great friends.

I've learned to be honest with my manager. Not too honest, but honest enough where I can be authentic at work. What's the worse that can happen? He fire me? I'll just pick up a new job in 2 weeks.

If I'm awaken at 2am from being on-call for more than once per quarter, then something is seriously wrong and I will either fix it or quit.

pour another glass

Qualities of a good manager share a lot of qualities of a good engineer.

When I first started, I was enamored with technology and programming and computer science. I'm over it.

Good code is code that can be understood by a junior engineer. Great code can be understood by a first year CS freshman. The best code is no code at all.

The most underrated skill to learn as an engineer is how to document. Fuck, someone please teach me how to write good documentation. Seriously, if there's any recommendations, I'd seriously pay for a course (like probably a lot of money, maybe 1k for a course if it guaranteed that I could write good docs.)

Related to above, writing good proposals for changes is a great skill.

Almost every holy war out there (vim vs emacs, mac vs linux, whatever) doesn't matter... except one. See below.

The older I get, the more I appreciate dynamic languages. Fuck, I said it. Fight me.

If I ever find myself thinking I'm the smartest person in the room, it's time to leave.

I don't know why full stack webdevs are paid so poorly. No really, they should be paid like half a mil a year just base salary. Fuck they have to understand both front end AND back end AND how different browsers work AND networking AND databases AND caching AND differences between web and mobile AND omg what the fk there's another framework out there that companies want to use? Seriously, why are webdevs paid so little.

We should hire more interns, they're awesome. Those energetic little fucks with their ideas. Even better when they can question or criticize something. I love interns.


Don't meet your heroes. I paid 5k to take a course by one of my heroes. He's a brilliant man, but at the end of it I realized that he's making it up as he goes along like the rest of us.

Tech stack matters. OK I just said tech stack doesn't matter, but hear me out. If you hear Python dev vs C++ dev, you think very different things, right? That's because certain tools are really good at certain jobs. If you're not sure what you want to do, just do Java. It's a shitty programming language that's good at almost everything.

The greatest programming language ever is lisp. I should learn lisp.

For beginners, the most lucrative programming language to learn is SQL. Fuck all other languages. If you know SQL and nothing else, you can make bank. Payroll specialtist? Maybe 50k. Payroll specialist who knows SQL? 90k. Average joe with organizational skills at big corp? $40k. Average joe with organization skills AND sql? Call yourself a PM and earn $150k.

Tests are important but TDD is a damn cult.

Cushy government jobs are not what they are cracked up to be, at least for early to mid-career engineers. Sure, $120k + bennies + pension sound great, but you'll be selling your soul to work on esoteric proprietary technology. Much respect to government workers but seriously there's a reason why the median age for engineers at those places is 50+. Advice does not apply to government contractors.

Third party recruiters are leeches. However, if you find a good one, seriously develop a good relationship with them. They can help bootstrap your career. How do you know if you have a good one? If they've been a third party recruiter for more than 3 years, they're probably bad. The good ones typically become recruiters are large companies.

Options are worthless or can make you a millionaire. They're probably worthless unless the headcount of engineering is more than 100. Then maybe they are worth something within this decade.

Work from home is the tits. But lack of whiteboarding sucks.

I've never worked at FAANG so I don't know what I'm missing. But I've hired (and not hired) engineers from FAANGs and they don't know what they're doing either.

My self worth is not a function of or correlated with my total compensation. Capitalism is a poor way to determine self-worth.

Managers have less power than you think. Way less power. If you ever thing, why doesn't Manager XYZ fire somebody, it's because they can't.

Titles mostly don't matter. Principal Distinguished Staff Lead Engineer from Whatever Company, whatever. What did you do and what did you accomplish. That's all people care about.

Speaking of titles: early in your career, title changes up are nice. Junior to Mid. Mid to Senior. Senior to Lead. Later in your career, title changes down are nice. That way, you can get the same compensation but then get an increase when you're promoted. In other words, early in your career (<10 years), title changes UP are good because it lets you grow your skills and responsibilities. Later, title changes down are nice because it lets you grow your salary.

Max out our 401ks.

Be kind to everyone. Not because it'll help your career (it will), but because being kind is rewarding by itself.

If I didn't learn something from the junior engineer or intern this past month, I wasn't paying attention.

Oops I'm out of wine.

Paying for classes, books, conferences is worth it. I've done a few conferences, a few 1.5k courses, many books, and a subscription. Worth it. This way, I can better pretend what I'm doing.

Seriously, why aren't webdevs paid more? They know everything!!!

Carpal tunnel and back problems are no joke. Spend the 1k now on good equipment.

The smartest man I've every worked for was a Math PhD. I've learned so much from that guy. I hope he's doing well.

Once, in high school, there was thing girl who was a great friend of mine. I mean we talked and hung out and shared a lot of personal stuff over a few years. Then there was a rumor that I liked her or that we were going out or whatever. She didn't take that too well so she started to ignore me. That didn't feel too good. I guess this would be the modern equivalent to "ghosting". I don't wish her any ill will though, and I hope she's doing great. I'm sorry I didn't handle that better.

I had a girlfriend in 8th grade that I didn't want to break up with even though I didn't like her anymore so I just started to ignore her. That was so fucked up. I'm sorry, Lena.

You know what the best part of being a software engineer is? You can meet and talk to people who think like you. Not necessarily the same interests like sports and TV shows and stuff. But they think about problems the same way you think of them. That's pretty cool.

There's not enough women in technology. What a fucked up industry. That needs to change. I've been trying to be more encouraging and helpful to the women engineers in our org, but I don't know what else to do.

Same with black engineers. What the hell?

I've never really started hating a language or technology until I started becoming intimately familiar with it. Also, I think a piece of tech is good if I hate it but I simultaneously would recommend it to a client. Fuck Jenkins but man I don't think I would be commuting software malpractice by recommending it to a new client.

That being said, git is awful and I have choice but to use it. Also, GUI git tools can go to hell, give me the command line any day. There's like 7 command lines to memorize, everything else can be googled.

Since I work in data, I'm going to give a data-specific lessons learned. Fuck pandas.

My job is easier because I have semi-technical analysts on my team. Semi-technical because they know programming but not software engineering. This is a blessing because if something doesn't make sense to them, it means that it was probably badly designed. I love the analysts on the team; they've helped me grow so much more than the most brilliant engineers.

Dark mode is great until you're forced to use light mode (webpage or an unsupported app). That's why I use light mode.

I know enough about security to know that I don't know shit about security.

Crap I'm out of wine.

Being a good engineer means knowing best practices. Being a senior engineer means knowing when to break best practices.

If people are trying to assign blame to a bug or outage, it's time to move on.

A lot of progressive companies, especially startups, talk about bringing your "authentic self". Well what if your authentic self is all about watching porn? Yeah, it's healthy to keep a barrier between your work and personal life.

I love drinking with my co-workers during happy hour. I'd rather spend time with kids, family, or friends.

The best demonstration of great leadership is when my leader took the fall for a mistake that was 100% my fault. You better believe I would've walked over fire for her.

On the same token, the best leaders I've been privileged to work under did their best to both advocate for my opinions and also explain to me other opinions 'that conflict with mine. I'm working hard to be like them.

Fuck side projects. If you love doing them, great! Even if I had the time to do side-projects, I'm too damn busy writing drunken posts on reddit

Algorithms and data strictures are important--to a point. I don't see pharmacist interviews test trivia about organic chemistry. There's something fucked with our industry's interview process.

Damn, those devops guys and gals are f'ing smart. At least those mofos get paid though.

It's not important to do what I like. It's more important to do what I don't hate.

The closer I am to the product, the closer I am to driving revnue, the more I feel valued regardless of how technical my work is. This has been true for even the most progressive companies.

Linux is important even when I was working in all Windows. Why? Because I eventually worked in Linux. So happy for those weekend where I screwed around installing Arch.

I've learned to be wary for ambiguous buzz words like big data. WTF is "big" data? I've dealt with 10k rows streaming every 10 minutes in Spark and Kafka and dealt with 1B rows batched up hourly in Python and MySQL. Those labels can go fuck themselves.

Not all great jobs are in Silicon Valley. But a lot are.

Finally, if you really want to hurt me, don't downvote I don't care about that. Just ignore this post. Nothing makes me sadder than when I wrote a long post and then nobody responds. So if you hate this post, just ignore.

分類: 健康
時間: 2021-12-07



俗話說"牙痛不是病,痛起來真要命".人們有了牙痛,往往會習慣性找醫生或在藥店購買甲硝唑口服,彷彿這就是一種常規治療牙痛的藥物,那事實上真是如此嗎? 首先要知道,甲硝唑不是止痛藥,而 ...


手三里穴是手陽明大腸經的穴位,又名"上三里".手三里穴取穴時,須側腕屈肘取穴.先將手掌側放,拇指伸直向上翹起,在腕背橈側有一凹陷處找到陽溪穴:屈肘成直角,先找到肘橫紋終點,找到肱骨 ...


大家有沒有過這樣的感受,牙齒疼到不知道該怎麼形容,甚至分不清是哪裡在疼. 在醫學上來說牙齒疼痛可以分為九級,你可能萬萬沒想到不起眼的一顆牙,可以折磨這麼深. PART1不怎麼疼,警惕牙周炎 隱藏在黑暗 ...


清胃散,中醫方劑名.為清熱劑,具有清臟腑熱,清胃涼血之功效.主治胃火牙痛.牙痛牽引頭痛,面頰發熱,其齒喜冷惡熱,或牙宣出血,或牙齦紅腫潰爛,或唇舌腮頰腫痛,口氣熱臭,口乾舌燥,舌紅苔黃,脈滑數.臨床常 ...


一說到牙痛,估計很多人都會想起自己牙痛的經歷,一旦牙痛開始發作,那麼就會影響正常的生活,在這種情況下,很多人可能都會去服用一些止痛的藥物,但是若是牙痛的症狀很嚴重,那麼就算服用止痛藥也是沒有什麼效果的 ...


@白菜:我一到夏天吹到冷風就咳嗽,感覺氣道不通暢,走路喘. @親愛的:我兒子也是,一遇冷風就咳嗽,夏天開空調還會喘,天天如此,帶他到各個醫院看病,吃了各種藥都沒用. @塵霜:我家有次開空調,連開一週, ...

適合秋天喝的四款茶 幫你緩解喉嚨痛面板乾等秋燥症狀

適合秋天喝的四款茶 幫你緩解喉嚨痛面板乾等秋燥症狀
廣州近日雖然氣溫仍高,但空氣的溼度已明顯下降.有些小夥伴便開始出現喉嚨痛.面板乾等秋燥症狀.廣州中醫藥大學第三附屬醫院副主任醫師江家贊推薦四款適合這個季節喝的茶. 秋菊棗果茶 食材:取白菊花3-5朵, ...


10年前,2011年的時候,吳奇隆和林更新共同參演了電視劇<步步驚心>,41歲的吳奇隆扮演四爺,23歲的林更新扮演十四爺. 在皇宮中,就算是親兄弟,為了爭權奪勢,也難免爾虞我詐,最終吳奇隆 ...


小盆友的牙齒要從小開始保護 昨天,一位年輕的媽媽帶著一個胖乎乎的小男孩來找我看牙. 小朋友很可愛,就是有點胖,不過胖了就更可愛了,哈哈,不過對於一個才七歲的孩子來說,90斤確實有點重了. 一般來說一個 ...


如果此刻孤單 不妨抬頭看看月亮 文丨李月亮 猛獁姑娘 每晚八點半 陪你看人間 01 李月亮 ☽ 最近看了個節目,改變了我對女明星的認知. 劉雪華你還記得嗎,當年紅極一時的瓊瑤劇女主,號稱"眼 ...


老年人牙疼時常會被忽略,人老了之後身體條件也逐漸下降,身上有個病痛太正常. 不過,一旦老年人出現牙痛的時候卻是身體發出的求救訊號,大家一定要提高警覺. 老年人牙疼的常見原因有以下幾種: 第一種急性牙周 ...

俗話說,牙疼不是病,疼起來真要命,尤其到了秋冬季節,更是牙齦腫痛現象的高發期.,為什麼一到秋冬季節牙齦腫痛的人數會劇增呢?牙齦腫痛的確跟季節有很大關係,為什麼這麼說呢? 為什麼秋季容易出現牙齦腫痛 1 ...


2021年9月20日愛牙日 從小養成刷牙習慣 一生樂享健康生活 今年9月20日是第33個"全國愛牙日",國家衛健委疾控局近日公佈了2021年"全國愛牙日"的宣傳 ...

口腔是食物進入人體的首個通道,牙齒的好壞與全身健康密切相關.中山大學附屬口腔醫院竺海瑋副教授指出,我們的牙齒好比身體的"守門員",俗話說"牙不好,疾病滿身跑", ...


在日常生活中,經常會聽到這樣一句話:糖吃多了會牙痛.糖吃多了為什麼會引起牙痛?那是因為糖與齲病的關係十分密切. 齲病也被稱為蛀牙,是一種在細菌感染等多因素的作用下,導致牙體硬組織進行性破壞的疾病.如果 ...


補牙很酸爽,拔牙很痛,種牙很貴-- 擁有一口健康的牙齒有多重要,相信不用多說了. 聽家裡老人說,反正乳牙也會換,換牙後再注意口腔保健就好了. 大錯特錯! 愛牙護齒,不光要從娃娃抓起,甚至剛出生就要做好 ...


中國最早的醫書已經有齲齒診治的方法了.我們的古人對潔牙護齒很注重,中醫發明了漱口水.揩齒粉,平日裡能保健牙齒,也有治療用的,從<史記>記載倉公淳于意治療齲齒的醫案可得以證驗."牙 ...


12年前,一名農民拿著一幅乾隆的字畫到節目中找專家鑑定這幅畫.最後這個專家告訴這個農民,這幅畫是贗品. 不知道大家有沒有看過這個節目.這是12年前的事情.最後這個專家還熱情的給這個農民找了一個賣家.這 ...

#非常病例#初二那年,我長了蛀牙,疼的飯吃不下,覺也睡不好.我爸就帶我去了小診所,那家小診所是我爸十幾年來唯一信任的,平時我們家生了啥大病小病的都會被我爸帶到小診所,我對那裡並不陌生,小診所的醫生說蛀 ...