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The great “Force of Nature ”

縱觀整個地球生物的演化史,我們會發現,在這悠悠漫長的過程中,確實有一個看不見的 “自然之力” 在起著極其重要的作用。例如:

Throughout the evolution of life on earth, we can find that in this long process, there is indeed an invisible “force of nature” playing an extremely important role. Such as:


We do not know how inorganic matter becomes organic matter, but many inorganic matter on earth do become organic matter.


We do not know how RNA and DNA get put together, but eventually they get put together to produce life.


We do not know how prokaryotic bacteria developed into eukaryotic cells, but eventually the bacteria developed into eukaryotic cells.


We do not know how invertebrates developed into vertebrates, how vertebrates developed from fish into amphibians, and amphibians into reptiles, mammals, primates, and finally humans. But these life on earth it is that evolved into today’s human society.


There must be so many details in these long evolutionary processes that we do not know and can not explain with our scientific knowledge. But the living things and life on earth that developed, step by step, to the state it is today.

自然之力最顯著的一個特點就是具有 “進化之功” 的作用,經過千萬年或億萬年的演化過程,這種自然之力會使很多的不可能變成為可能,會將很多的舊物種淘汰或演化成為一些新的物種。

One of the most striking features of the force of nature is its role as an evolutionary force. Over the course of hundred of million years or more than billion years of evolution, this force of nature can make many impossible things to possible, will eliminate many old spices and evolve into some new spices.


And the whole earth, from nothing to life, from water to land, is in silence, in a state of no self-awareness, reproduction, survival, evolution, development. Without the presence of humans, such a state of nature would continue to develop unconsciously forever. Of course, the presence of humans would not interfere with the force of nature that operate on all living things on earth.


What is certain is that it was only since the appearance of the human spices on earth that unconscious natural state of growth was broken. Because human beings produce consciousness and thoughts. In fact, many mammals have some sense of consciousness, but human’s sense of nature is much deeper than theirs.


Humans also invented language and writing, which recorded what they saw and heard in writing. Humans were constantly searching for the origin of these own life, the origin of various plants and animals, and the origin of the earth. Human beings have been traveled to every corner of the earth to examine the conditions of living things and fossils buried in the ground; human beings also discovered chromosomes, genetic genes, from the genetic perspective to study the origin of human life. Up to now, many biological scholars and experts have published a large number of research results and found a lot of evidences. Great progress has been made in the study of the origin of human life, biological origin and the origin of the earth.

不過,具有幾十億年曆史的 “自然之力” 遠比人類想象的要複雜、要深奧的多得多。如果按百分比計算,在地球生物起源的問題上,人類可能也就解答了不到5%的課題,還有95%以上的課題沒有得到解決。這是因為自然之力有太多超出人類想象的神秘地方,遠比人類的能力要偉大。事實上,只有幾千年文明歷史的人類,是無法與具有幾十億年曆史的自然之力相比較,這中間不知相差了多少個層次。

However, the multi-billion year old “force of nature” is far more complex and profound than human imagination. On a percentage basis, human beings have probably answered less than 5 percent of the questions about the origin of life on Earth, leaving more than 95 percent unanswered. This is because the force of nature has many mysteries beyond human imagination, far greater than human ability. In fact, human beings, with only a few thousand years of civilisation, can not be compared with the force of nature, which are several billion years old.


Over the past 20 years, the world’s technology has developed rapidly. We now have the Internet that connects the whole world. With supercomputers that can preform trillions of calculations per second. There are all kinds of satellites that can fly to the Moon and Mars. The development of science and technology has entered a new and higher level in the past 20 years. We humans can be very proud of that.

然而,人類也不能過於自滿,因為人類的能力再高超也不可能完全解開 “自然之力”的秘密,也要受到自然之力的束縛。最簡單一個例子就是,地震和颱風的發生,其實就是一種自然之力在起著的作用。現代的科技再發達也很難避免地震和颱風帶來的危害。

However, human beings should not be too complacent, because no matter how great the human ability is, it can not completely unlock the secrets of the “force of nature”, and it is bound by the force of nature. The simplest example, earthquakes and typhoons, is a force of nature at work. No matter how advanced the technology is now, it is difficult to avoid the harm brought by earthquakes and typhoons

總而言之,是地球的生態產生了自然之力,自然之力又塑造了地球上所有的生物和生命。自然之力是經過了上億年時間磨礪出來的一種 “無形” 的力量。地球上的所有生物都不會逃出它的魔幻之掌。面對這樣一個偉大的自然之力,人類只有順應它的狀態發展下去。

In short, the ecology of the earth that generates the force of nature, it shaped all living things and life on earth. It is an “invisible” force that has been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and all the creatures on earth will not escape from its magical grip. Faced with such a great force of nature, human beings can only adapt to its state of development.

分類: 星座
時間: 2022-01-08


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