可以說想要長生坑害了中國歷史上無數人,那麼在西方神話裡他們又是怎麼追求長生的呢?一起來看看這篇考古科普文《The epic of Gilgamesh, the king who tried to conquer death》吧。
- 記敘文的開場
- 同位語的巢狀使用
In 1849, in the ancient city of Nineveh in northern Iraq, archaeologists sifted through dusty remains, hoping to find records to prove that Bible stories were true. What they found instead was one of the oldest libraries in the world. Inscribed on crumbling clay tablets was a 4,000-year-old story so riveting the first person to translate it started stripping from excitement.
在為什麼動物不會毒死自己?一文中我們就講到科普文開頭的第一句話都會採用敘事的方式,也就是說在開頭介紹事情發生的時間、任務和地點。比如上一篇文章開頭是:One fine day, when Charles Darwin was still a student at Cambridge, the budding naturalist toresome old bark off a tree and found two rare beetles underneath.
它交代了時間one fine day,地點tree。我們可以仿照這個句式,對這篇考古科普文的開頭進行改寫:
- In 1849, when archaeologists sifted through dusty remains in the ancient city of Nineveh in northern Iraq, they hope to find records to prove that Bible stories were true.
sifted是篩選的意思,它是指那種很細(物理上的,或精神上的)的檢查,比如說把米和沙子區分開來、把檔案上的資料篩選出來。可以直接後面接名詞,也可以sift through + something。
- Crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft.調查墜機事件的專家一直在仔細檢查飛機殘
它還有一個比較固定的用法 sift out,表示篩去、淘汰的意思。
crumbling是crumble【破碎】的變形,文中的crumbling clay tablets指的是破裂泥石板,也可以用broken clay tablets或者它的名詞形式crumble/fragmentation of clay tablets表示。當我們想要在精神上表示“破碎”的時候,crumble就不太適合了,這個時候要用shattered【垮掉的】。
He entered the House of Dust, the shadowy Mesopotamian underworld where the spirits of the dead knelt eternally on the ground, eating dirt and drinking stone. Grieving for Enkidu and
terrified of meeting this fate himself, Gilgamesh set off beyond the cosmic mountains to seek
- He entered the House of Dust, the shadowy Mesopotamian underworld where the spirits of the dead knelt eternally on the ground, eating dirt and drinking stone。他來到了House of Dust,美索不達米亞陰暗的冥界,在那裡的亡魂永世跪地,以泥土為食、以石礫為飲。
一開始是寫他來到House of Dust,然後the shadowy Mesopotamian underworld用對這個地方進行解釋說明,為了表明underworld確實很shadowy【陰暗的】,就描繪了一些很陰暗景象。按照這個句式,我要表明他過了四六級,這個四六級很重要,那麼可以這樣表示:
- He has obtained the certificate of CET-4,the vital credentials in postgraduate which students get the access to Doctor.他獲得了大學英語四級證書,這是研究生獲得博士學位的重要憑證。
- Grieving for Enkidu and terrified of meeting this fate himself, Gilgamesh set off beyond the cosmic mountains to seek immortality. 吉爾伽美什為恩奇都悲痛不已,也對命定的死亡感到惶恐,於是便翻越宇宙之山,踏上了尋求永生的旅程。
grieving 體現出好友Enkidu的死給他的感受:悲傷。這個詞在英語中廣泛使用,比如的俚語眼不見心不煩就是這樣翻譯的:what the eye doesn’t see (the heart doesn’t grieve over)。
immortality意思是不朽,它既可以指肉體上的不死But is immortality really a good thing?又可以指靈魂的不朽He is well on his way to showbusiness immortality.