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全方位擁抱自然,Choui Fong咖啡廳二期


Since the first Chouifong Tea Cafe began operation in 2015, the Chouifong plantation has gained plenty of tourists’ attentions and became one of the most famous tourist attractions in Chiangrai. Due to such an excess of tourists in the first cafe, Chouifong Tea Cafe 2 is established in order to serve the need.

▼專案概覽,overview SkyGround architectural film & photography


The second phase is located on the plantation hill near the first cafe. Before the operation of the cafe, there were factory and retail in the area, then the new cafe is built replacing the retail, near the factory, where beautiful view is seen. The designers propose the project’s floor to be in rectangular shape that allows most areas to face the view. Unlike the first cafe which was pushed down into the land allowing visitors to see panoramic view on the top, the Chouifong Tea Cafe 2 stands on the hill because it has massive usable area and there is the existing factory nearby.

▼咖啡廳緊鄰工廠,tea cafe 2 near the factory SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼咖啡廳坐落於種植園山丘上。The second phase is located on the plantation hill. SkyGround architectural film & photography


The project consists of a dining area with 250 seats, a large souvenir shop and the exhibition area where the staffs demonstrate tea making, and where the histories are told. However, the significant concern in this project is the universal design because after the first cafe has been operated for years, it is found that family groups with elders are the main clients of the projects.

▼專案入口,entrance SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼紀念品商店,souvenir shop SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼展示區,exhibition SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼工作人員展示製茶過程,the staffs demonstrate tea making SkyGround architectural film & photography


▼設計策略圖,design strategy diagrams IDIN Architects

The main concept of the design is to provide visitors with clear plantation view and close to the natural surroundings without inconveniences for elders and disabled people, thus design must deal with these conditions efficiently. To widen the scenery in the slope area, the dining area is split into several steps following the land contour. This allows all customers from every table to see the view with different eye’s level. Moreover, to prevent the dining area from heavy rain, the in-between space with extended eaves is added to cover the dining area. Under the eaves, the ramp is provided surrounding the dining area, and this allow the handicapped to access all platforms.

▼用餐區,dining area SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼用餐區可欣賞到種植園美景,親近自然。Dining area provide visitors with clear plantation view and close to the natural surroundings. SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼餐廳座位分層放置。The dining area is split into several steps. SkyGround architectural film & photography


▼錐形天窗,cone-like skylights SkyGround architectural film & photography

According to the owner’s requirements which are the large number of usable areas in one storey building, so the floor plane has an enormous size which usually followed with the lack of light within the space. The scattering skylights were chosen as a feature. The skylights do not only solve the problem but also avoid the problems causing by the rain such as inconvenience in usability and difficulty in maintenance. These skylights are designed to have special and unique characteristic. In other words, openings are not covered by huge glass planes with many joint structure but each of them is extruded and differently distorted into cone-like shape, thus there is only a small piece of glass plane used without any unpleasant-to-eye joint; with this design, the skylights’ cost is reduced. This cone-like openings also help diffuse light sufficiently for entire areas, and create several patterns from different time in each spot; this openings’ volume is so immense that trees can be planted underneath them, also, these skylights are arranged harmoniously with the surrounding mountains.

▼天窗內可種植植物,trees can be planted underneath the opening of skylights SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼隨著時間變化,天窗內投下不一樣的光影圖案。The skylights create several patterns from different time SkyGround architectural film & photography


Along the stone wall at the entrance area, only a void is left for visitors to enter and it acts as the wind tunnel that the visitors may face the blow of the wind as a welcome greeting. During moving through this tunnel, the dim atmosphere is gradually brightened along the way to dining area, where visitors enjoy their foods and plantation scenery. The materials of this recent project are harmonious with the first cafe by using pinewood, steel, glass and, additionally, mountain stone. These materials represent the Chouifong’s philosophy of the organic plantation.

▼專案入口,建築與周圍山脈相得益彰。Entrance, the building is arranged harmoniously with the surrounding mountains. SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼通向用餐區的走廊,path towards dining room SkyGround architectural film & photography

Along the stone wall at the entrance area, only a void is left for visitors to enter and it acts as the wind tunnel that the visitors may face the blow of the wind as a welcome greeting. During moving through this tunnel, the dim atmosphere is gradually brightened along the way to dining area, where visitors enjoy their foods and plantation scenery. The materials of this recent project are harmonious with the first cafe by using pinewood, steel, glass and, additionally, mountain stone. These materials represent the Chouifong’s philosophy of the organic plantation.

▼點餐區,松木,鋼材,玻璃及石材的運用體現種植園有機種植理念。Ordering area, using pinewood, steel, glass and stone to represent the Chouifong’s philosophy of the organic plantation. SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼夜幕中的咖啡廳,tea cafe at night SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼夜幕下的咖啡廳入口,entrance at night SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼衛生間,Bath room SkyGround architectural film & photography

▼咖啡廳總平,master plan IDIN architects

▼屋頂平面,roof plan IDIN architects

▼室內平面,plan IDIN architects

▼不同方位剖面圖,sections IDIN architects

▼牆體結構細節,wall detail IDIN architects

DATE: 2016-2018
ARCHITECT: Jeravej Hongsakul
Eakgaluk Sirijariyawat, Sakorn Thongdoang, Sittipong Wiriyapanich
INTERIOR: Jureerat Korvanichakul, Siravich Pienpitak
AREA : 1,330 sq.m.


分類: 汽車
時間: 2022-02-16


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