前幾天一個兄弟發微信來讓我江湖救急,在國內加了垃圾油,過年這幾天來回拆分油機和自清濾器,讓我告訴他BOLL 濾器控制箱怎麼調引數,想把沖洗間隔調短,把充油時間調短,他說他之前沒看過說明書,沒調過,現在也沒時間看說明書了。
1 outline view 外觀
1: Fastening 固定
2: Display and operating elements 顯示操作面板
3: Housing 箱體
4: Master switch 主電位開關
5: Connection 電纜填料
2 Details of Display and operating elements 顯示操作面板
1: Display screen for text display, 2 lines 顯示屏 2 行
2: "Alarm" LED (red) ‘報警’ LED 燈(紅)
3: "Service" LED (yellow) ‘需要檢修’LED 燈(黃)
4: "Operation" LED (green) ‘執行’LED 燈(綠)
5: Keypad 操作鍵
正常工作中顯示屏引數 Parameter in working condition
1. Push Key C 按下鍵 CFlushing times 沖洗次數
2. Push Key F 按下鍵 FManual back flushing 手動反衝洗
3. Push Key Q 按下鍵 QAlarm reset 報警復位
3 Read Parameters 讀取引數
Pushing▽and△together, about 3 seconds,Until the Green ‘operation’LED is Extinguished 。The first display line shows the parameter and the second line shows the parameter value. All parameters can now be displayed by repeatedly pressing the key ▽or△. Then press the key ▽or△ till the first display line shows “P0 filter type”.
同時按▽和△約三秒,直到綠色的 LED 燈熄滅。顯示屏上方顯示引數內容,下一行顯示引數數值。用 ▽或△選擇閱讀內容。
4 Setting level - Changing and saving parameters 修改和儲存引數
In order to access the setting level "Changing and saving parameters", press the middle key until the green "Operation" LED flashes (approximately 3 seconds).The parameter can now be changed by repeatedly pressing the key ▽or△.
按中間鍵約三秒,直到綠色 LED 燈開始閃爍,用▽或△修改引數數值。再按中間鍵三秒,直到綠色 LED 燈熄滅,儲存修改。如果不想儲存,同時按▽和△三秒回到閱讀選單。
Parameters for filter type 6.64 :
P0 filter type:
6.64.P1 chamber 這個是調整一次沖洗幾個腔的
P2 automatic flushing interval (hours): 2 (0、1 or 2)間隔時間是多少個小時。
P3 automatic flushing interval (minutes): 0,)間隔時間是多少個分鐘。
P4 flushing time (seconds): 8(8-10)
P5 filling time (seconds): 320 (120-360),一般根據管路的液體油壓來決定,大於5bar180秒左右,小於5bar300秒左右。(注:長按 △三秒,左右移動游標)
P6 after blow time(seconds): 30 (30-60)
P8 DP alarm on
5 Return to operation level 回到主選單
In order to access the operation level, press keys▽and△ together until the green "Operation" LED lights up (approximately 3 seconds).
同時按▽和△三秒,直到綠色 LED 燈常亮