進入 21 世紀以來,世界科技發展呈現出幾何式增長態勢,而各國之間的科技發展對移動通訊行業的依賴也日益加深。作為全球發展最快的行業之一,移動通訊業在數十年間迎來了多次變革和市場洗牌,而中國在這場較量中的角色也發生了巨大的轉變。
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the world’s development of science and technology has experienced explosive growth, with countries being increasingly dependent on the mobile communication industry. As one of the fastest growing industries in the world, the mobile communication industry has undergone changes and market reshuffles over the decades, of which China has had a huge shift of its role.
隨著移動通訊行業從突破到領先,中國科技企業也開始強勢崛起,特別是消費電子行業,根據Google&Kantar釋出的《2021中國全球化品牌50強》,消費電子企業在榜單中佔比 33%,聯想、海爾、vivo等品牌均進入榜單前十。如今有越來越多國內企業在國際市場上完成了從“新面孔”向知名品牌的蛻變。
With the fast-evolving development of the mobile communication industry, Chinese technology companies keep making progress in the field, especially in the consumer electronics sector. According to the list on top 50 global brands in China in 2021, issued by market consulting company Kantar and tech giant Google, consumer electronics companies make up 33 percent of the list, with personal computer maker Lenovo, home appliance maker Haier and smartphone maker vivo ranking among the top 10. Nowadays, more and more domestic enterprises have completed the transformation from “new faces” to well-known brands in the international market.
As a representative of smartphone brands, vivo promotes technological innovation and upgrading in the industry, continues to invest in technology research and development, and continues to deepen its cultivation in the field of imaging, aiming to help boost the development of imaging technology. The smartphone maker has established a global R&D network for imaging. Since 2017, vivo has set up seven imaging R&D centers in multiple countries and regions around the world, including Shenzhen in South China’s Guangdong province, Taipei in China’s Taiwan, Tokyo in Japan and San Diego in the United States. Each of them is located where imaging professionals or technical resources are gathered. Among them, the R&D center in Tokyo is part of vivo’s efforts to make breakthroughs in cutting-edge imaging technology.
為了不斷強化vivo手機在影像領域的表現,日本東京研發中心以相機硬體部分的前端研發,闡釋vivo “技術創新以消費者需求為導向”的影像認知,以國際化視角不懈的創新投入,不斷最佳化手機影像硬體的尖端技術,為vivo影像長賽道注入源源動力。
Throughout its work, vivo’s Tokyo R&D center cooperates and stays in close contact with its domestic hardware team. For instance, the domestic planning and product team will analyze the future research direction of mobile phone lenses based on user feedback, and pass the information to the Tokyo R&D center.
With the rapid development of 5G and 6G, consumers have higher expectations toward the quality of smartphone cameras. Professional “video cameras” that can record in higher definition have not yet been fully developed in the Chinese market, so new mobile phones are expected to seize the market opportunity, according to a chief expert at vivo’s R&D center in Tokyo.
持續紮實的研發投入,讓vivo在全球市場大放異彩。自2014年正式開啟全球化程序以來,vivo全球市場不斷擴大。目前,vivo向全球 60多個國家和地區,超過4億使用者提供優質產品和服務。vivo業務已經拓展到亞洲、大洋洲、非洲、歐洲和南美等地,尤其在南亞和東南亞市場取得了非常出色的成績。