孫中山(1866年11月12日-1925年3月12日),名文,字載之,號日新,又號逸仙,又名帝象,化名中山樵,偉大的民族英雄、偉大的愛國主義者、中國民主革命的偉大先驅,中華民國和中國國民黨的締造者,三民主義的倡導者,創立了《五權憲法》。他首舉徹底反帝反封建的旗幟,“起共和而終兩千年封建帝制”。 是偉大的民族英雄、偉大的愛國主義者。
國父孫中山:1894年11月24日,孫中山在檀香山創立興中會 [6] 。1905年(光緒三十一年)成立中國同盟會。1911年10月10日(宣統三年)新軍中的革命黨人暗中聯絡,決定當天晚上起義。辛亥革命後被推舉為中華民國臨時大總統(任期1912年1月1日——1912年4月1日)。1925年3月12日,孫中山因癌症在北京逝世。1929年6月1日,根據其生前遺願,葬於南京紫金山中山陵。1940年,國民政府通令全國,尊稱其為“中華民國國父”。
英文翻譯:Sun yat-sen (November 12, 1866 - March 12, 1925), name, word of load, nissin, yat-sen again, also known as emperor, alias zhongshan firewood, great national hero, a great patriot and the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution, the republic of China and of the founders of the Chinese nationalist party (KMT), the three people's principles and created the "five-power constitution". He first raised the banner of thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism, "starting from the republic and ending the feudal monarchy for two thousand years". He is a great national hero and patriot.
The Double sail coin of the Republic of China is one of the most famous mechanism coins in China in recent years. The reason why it is famous is mainly because of the historical and rare characteristics of the double sail coin of the Republic of China. According to relevant information, this coin is mostly made in the Central Mint in Shanghai, the value of the current reserve is generally only one circle and the circle of these two. At that time, the National government implemented the policy of "legal currency" and did not allow private circulation of silver coins, so the double sail coins of the Republic of China were seldom circulated in the market.
Sun Yat-sen medium yuan silver coin
13 grams of weight
National Father Sun Yat-sen: On November 24, 1894, Sun Yat-sen founded xing Zhong Hui in Honolulu [6]. 1905 (guangxu thirty-one year) founded the Chinese Tongmeng Hui. On October 10, 1911 (the third year of Xuantong), revolutionary members of the new army secretly contacted each other and decided to rise up that night. After the 1911 Revolution, he was elected as the Provisional President of the Republic of China (January 1, 1912 -- April 1, 1912). Sun Yat-sen died of cancer in Beijing on March 12, 1925. On June 1, 1929, according to his will, he was buried in Zhongshan Mausoleum in Purple Mountain, Nanjing. In 1940, the National government issued an order to the whole country, honored him as the "father of the Republic of China".
In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Sun Yat-sen like mid-round back cloth coin silver coin, straight tooth edge small sample coin, the San Francisco Mint design engraved steel mold, Shanghai Central Mint trial casting sample coin, 24 years of the Republic of China (1935) international silver price suddenly rose, the central Mint previously cast sun like silver coin silver material value has been higher than the face value, China so the order from the one in the round and round the two currencies silver COINS, so as to prevent the people smuggle the silver COINS privately destroyed or exit, the generation of casting silver dollar with smaller size, weight and lower assaying method of production, colour is 72%, because of silver is soft, quickly after returned to normal, so 25 years small silver have stood, with only a little. The silver coin is beautifully designed, well cast and standardized, and deep, mirror bottom, plain silver gray patina, soft luster and pleasing to the eye, top state, first-class appearance, extremely rare, very few in existence.
The edge teeth of the silver coin are regular and very neat, and the edge teeth are used for anti-counterfeiting. The currency is under great pressure and is undoubtedly genuine.
Silver coin pressure: Since the qing dynasty republic of China, use the imported version machine, pressure up to 50 tons, the technology until the end of the republic of China, also not be transcended, so domestic imitation silver to design more blurred, internal tooth is linked together, and teeth, so a lot of professional coin collectors, a look at the coin, pressure is not enough, is a disguised form of replicas, genuine silver COINS, the pattern is clear, both side of tooth, Or within time, very neat, and there will not be connected, and teeth, the tooth length is consistent, uniform, there will be no length is differ, there will be no edge of helical, or teeth marks very shallow, because imitation coin is made of a small device, around silver edge, roll in a circle, we call the roll teeth, Yin and Yang are a lot of teeth after special gear is rolled out, A circle of rolling marks is formed on the edge of the coin, so the first thing we look at the coin is to see whether its pressure is enough, whether the lines are clear, there are no defects, and excess traces.
This silver coin is also known as the 'Father of the Nation silver Coin', so that future generations can remember the great man Sun Yat-sen. The appearance of the silver coin is fine, no breakage, damage, oxidation of nature, the bottom light of silk and satin, identified by experts as genuine and perfect product phase, the most important coin collection phase, after a long time can have such a product phase, it is very rare, the collection value of the father of the nation currency is very high.