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新加坡網友Patrick Koh的回答

Hahaha, this question is so interesting. You should be careful when answering this question, because it is easy to be reported by Vietnamese media and regarded as a water army attacking Vietnamese culture.


1. Vietnamese people say that they have tens of thousands of years of human activities and civilization dating back to thousands of years BC. They have gone through many dynasties. Even Vietnam's territory includes China south of the Yangtze River.


That's strange. Why doesn't such a powerful civilization have its own words?


Since 3 BC, Vietnam has always used Chinese characters for recording and communication in official archives. When you visit Vietnam, you can still see inscriptions written in Chinese characters on a large number of Vietnamese monuments.


The standard to measure a civilization is whether it has written records in its own language. Does Vietnam have it?


It's like the North Koreans found a hill in Pyongyang, dug a hole, said it was the tomb of an emperor 5000 years ago, and then dug out a person's fingernails in it. The carbon measurement has a history of 3000 years, and explained that the fingernails were left by the grave robbers. What kind of grave robbers would cut their fingernails when stealing the tomb?


Vietnam itself also recognizes the historical facts as a part of China in history. From the Han Dynasty in BC to the Song Dynasty a thousand years ago, northern Vietnam has been ruled by the Chinese dynasty for thousands of years, belonging to China's administrative divisions. It began to become independent as a vassal state after the Song Dynasty.


For nearly 2000 years from the era of AD, the official use of Vietnamese characters was orthodox, while the folk characters evolved from Chinese characters.


2. In order to explain the dilemma of the lack of Vietnamese characters, a Vietnamese historian later proposed that the Chinese characters were invented by the Vietnamese and then taken over by the Han people to China.


I seem to remember that Koreans also said that Chinese characters were invented by Koreans, so the question is whether Chinese characters were invented by Koreans or Vietnamese. This is another dispute. Vietnamese need to argue with Koreans about ownership first.


Vietnamese said they controlled China south of the Yangtze River in ancient times. Koreans said their ancient territory included the north of the Yangtze River. Where did the Chinese thrive? Have they disappeared from the earth?


3. Vietnamese biologists are also actively proving that Vietnamese have nothing to do with China. In 2019, a study by a Vietnamese private organization concluded that Vietnamese and Thais are related by blood and are indigenous peoples in Southeast Asia.


However, the Thais themselves admit that their ancestors came from the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau in Yunnan Province of China, where there are still ethnic groups with the same origin as the Thais, known as the "Dai nationality".


Are Vietnamese scientists trying to tell us that there is biological evidence that Vietnamese come from Yunnan Province of China?


4. In addition to the so-called archaeological excavation, archaeologists found human fossils tens of thousands of years ago in Vietnam. Then in Yunnan, not far from Vietnam, they found the fossils of Yuanmou people 1.7 million years ago. The Javanese on Java island in Indonesia can be traced back to about 1.8 million years ago.


Based on the existing technical measurement errors and other reasons, it may be difficult to determine the true sequence of the above ancient humans, but these ancient humans can be traced back to about 1.7 million years or 1.8 million years ago.


However, it is certain that all these discoveries are much older than the remains found in Vietnam.


So, have Vietnamese archaeologists figured out which species of people to recognize as their ancestors?


When studying the history of human development, we must respect science and historical records, not today's people, who create history and tamper with it at will according to their so-called personal feelings.



馬來西亞網友Lucia Millar 的回答

Vietnamese people create history because they take it for granted that China is famous for its long history and agricultural culture, and Vietnam is very similar to China to some extent. Therefore, Vietnamese nationalists think they can emulate China's way of gaining world attention, and claim that Vietnam has a longer history than China.


I want to tell the Vietnamese that Chinese civilization is the youngest of the four ancient civilizations. Chinese civilization is not even as old as Indian civilization. Similarly, the United States is only 200 years old, but it is the most famous country in the history of the earth.


More than 100 years ago, in the collision between agricultural civilization and industrial civilization, China fell behind in the trend of world development. Today, more than 100 years later, China has the largest number of stem students trained every year in the world. Thanks to the huge talent reserve, China has developed rapidly. Obviously, advanced productivity is the key to China's influence.


On the Internet, many fanatical Vietnamese nationalists claim that the south of the Yangtze River used to be Vietnam's territory. They are sure to take back this land. Some of them even say that they want to fight China most in their life.


Even if Vietnam is a small country, this idea should not be ignored, which reminds me of Japan in World War II. Because it has been suppressed by China for thousands of years, the temptation of "replacing China" to Japanese nationalists is so strong that once its nationalist mood gets out of control, it will bring extremely terrible disaster.


Perhaps in the eyes of Vietnamese nationalists, the scene of killing and ravaging Chinese people has been simulated countless times in their minds. Therefore, the Chinese people should pay attention to the ideological trend of Vietnamese nationalists, actively pay taxes to the Chinese government and build more warships to dispel Vietnam's idea of provoking China.




Each country has its own historical legends and records based on facts or legends, which will undoubtedly be controversial if someone tries to compare which country has a longer history than others. However, Vietnam's national identity existed or appeared before the formation of Chinese national identity.


The Han Empire, the central kingdom that established and ruled China, was founded in 206 B.C. and collapsed in 220 A.D. this Dynasty gave the name of the Han nationality, the main ethnic group in China.


However, the word "Vietnam" existed for a long time before the establishment of the Han nationality. Judging from the history of Vietnam, the Jin Yue nationality directly originated from the lac Yue tribe and the Ao Yue tribe. Today, a large number of descendants of the Bach Yue tribe live in southern China and northern Vietnam.


They are the founders of Dongsen culture in the bronze age. The cultural relics have been found in Vietnam and southern China for thousands of years from 1000 BC to the first century AD.


When comparing the Chinese civilization with the Vietnamese civilization, anyone will mention the Yellow Emperor, or Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese civilization. The Yellow Emperor was not born when Kim deong vieng of Vietnam (3000-2900 BC) was born, while the king of Jingyang of Vietnam, or "King D ơ NG) led all regions south of the Yangtze River at that time.

當比較華夏文明和越南文明時,任何人都會提及華夏文明始祖黃帝,或稱為軒轅, 越南的金·德昂·維昂(公元前3000年至2900年)出生時黃帝還沒有出生,而越南的涇陽王,或稱“​金德榮國王(Kinh Dơng)在當時領導著長江以南的所有地區。

Many Vietnamese scholars and researchers can prove that Vietnam's yin-yang theory comes from the south of the Yangtze River. For example, Lao Tzu once preached by riding a buffalo. At that time, buffalo could only be found in Vietnam.


This is why the culture of southern China is similar to that of Vietnam.


I hope young Chinese people can respect all kinds of cultures from neighboring countries, and I hope this answer can help and change some of their inherent concepts.


分類: 汽車
時間: 2022-02-03



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