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I see the negligence of the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture as one of the main reasons.You see, both South Korea and Japan are actively promoting their traditional culture, while the Ministry of Culture and Science is promoting Western cultural elements in Vietnamese culture.For example: coffee, baguette, opera house, church, post office, and even the westernized Aodai design.Many foreigners believe that all non-Western cultures in Vietnamese culture belong to Chinese culture, which rarely occurs in Japan and South Korea.


While our traditional cultures are as interesting and rich as China, Japan, South Korea, they have been on hold for too long.The Ministry of Culture believes that if they offer foreigners what they want to see (namely the Westernization elements), they can be more aware of our country and are willing to invest here.But it is this low sense of pride and unconfidence that weakens Vietnam's cultural appeal.


Check out how the Koreans promote their traditional costumes and aesthetics through the movies.On our side, the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture is lowering our culture just to make it look less "Chinese", in other words, they are insecure and afraid to show our truly traditional culture.They deliberately chose to design away from traditional East Asian aesthetics.


Why is Vietnam too scared of making a movie with something like this:




We have our own tea culture, but the Ministry of Culture does not advocate it.Instead, they promoted coffee as a Vietnamese culture.The Ministry of Culture never promoted the various temples and incense towers in Ningju, but used the French colonial landmarks as landmarks in Vietnam.Why is the symbol of Saigon a church, not Yongren Temple or Tianhou Temple?To be fair, having new cultural creation is not a bad thing, but it is important to raise awareness of traditional culture (such as Taiwan's pearl milk tea, but Taiwan also promotes its traditional Chinese tea).


The Ministry of Culture is really determined to do more to promote and raise awareness of traditional Vietnamese culture; otherwise, if you don't even know who you are, you can't expect others to know who you are.




Lack of understanding of the Vietnamese culture as a whole.They all just look on the surface at the Vietnamese culture, which looks like a typical Southeast Asian culture.However, going into one layer, you see how much Vietnam shares with South Korea and Japan and how much different it is from Laos and Cambodia.


A lot of Koreans and Japanese do not want to be linked to Southeast Asians because they are dark, dark and short, and to their opinion they are inferior.Although the Vietnamese have 50% East Asian origin, and most looked more East Asian than the Mongols, they were looked down upon.


Besides North Korea, Vietnam is the weakest, poorest and least powerful country in the Chinese circle.This means that their culture is less significant and less popular.The Chinese have the largest ethnic group and the most influential culture, South Korea has the Korean Wave and Japanese anime.Vietnam is not currently available.


Now the Vietnamese writing system is Latin, which means a huge leap in the way of cultural identity with Japan, Korea, China and Vietnam.With the Latin alphabet, one feels that Vietnam has nothing to do with Chinese, because Vietnam can easily convert into Latin, which is wrong


Honestly, it is a little sad that Vietnam is culturally closer to China than South Korea and Japan, but no one knows that.




All those who have attended school should know that Vietnam is in the East Asian cultural circle, and that the traditional culture is inherited from the Chinese culture.As a Vietnamese, I am not all concerned about the issue of recognition or disapproval.We understand our history and culture, and if we really want to be culturally recognized, the following issues need to be addressed:


1, Work harder and make Vietnam become a developed first-world country. Try to make the “Miracle on the Red and Saigon rivers” become a reality. You know why the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese never consider us to be in the same league with them, despite Vietnam having a more similar culture to China than Korea and Japan? Not that Vietnam is geographically in Southeast Asia. If it were a first-world country, they’d gladly call it an “East Asian country” or at least respect us if we choose to call it so. Without money, we get neither. Nobody will give a damn about you if you continue to hold no relevance to the world. Not long ago in the 20th century, Korea was always glossed over when the topic of East Asia came up. Here is what an American has to say:


"Twenty years ago, I attended a roundtable in Seoul on the topic of why South Korea's cultural influence at the time was unknown relative to its close neighbors.At that time, Samsung and K-pop were just beginning to gain respect in economically developed countries.Except for Chinese fans like us, nobody is interested in Korean history or the aka Sutra.In my opinion, Korea's advantage is in its rapidly improved living standards, a small country crowded with mountains and coastline, and a balance of traditional and modern cultural elements.I haven't been to Vietnam yet, but I saw a former colleague living in Vietnam often post on facebook: Vietnam now reminds me of South Korea experienced in the 1990s, vibrant and in transition.Like South Korea and some other Asian countries, Vietnam appears to be an eclectic combination of native and foreign cultural elements, especially in architecture, cuisine, and religious beliefs.Building an individual or group confidence on better or better than another person or group is a failing game because there are always larger, smarter, stronger, fairer or more successful people or groups.The Danes are considered the happiest people in the world, although they have no major cultural exports or tourist attractions.They do enjoy a high level of life and social mobility.As an American who has lived overseas for many years, it seems to me that competitive national pride is clearly overestimated and, at worst, destructive.”


2. Educate the public about more traditional Vietnamese culture, especially the part influenced by Chinese culture.Many Vietnamese think that our ancestors wore Obodai in their 4,000-year history.Obodai only appeared in the Nguyen dynasty (200 years ago).That is why the first reaction when they saw an early reconstruction of traditional clothing would be "WTF looks so Chinese / Korean", "our ancestors didn't wear this stuff" and then go on to insert some Odai photos 100 years ago to prove their claim.What should you say about this LOL?If the Vietnamese could not accept their own traditional culture, who else would do the job for them?


3. Rebuild the traditional costumes of various dynasties in Vietnamese history, and take these costumes as part of our history, although they may look very Chinese.What would our ancestors think if they knew that their descendants were rejecting the traditions of the country?


3. Reconstruction all temples and palaces destroyed by war and tropical climate.Especially now destroy the Thang Long (Shenglong) Imperial Castle in Hanoi and partially destroy the Tonal Imperial Castle.Return to their old glory.Vietnam is where only rich people can do that.Since many Vietnamese heritage was damaged or stolen during the colonial period, many Vietnamese are now ignorant of the country's past and achievements.They cannot understand that their ancestors built buildings as magnificent as the Dunlong Imperial Castle.So the spectre of a nation permanently trapped by poverty and smallconstantly haunted them to realize that the Imperial city of the Tang Dragon might be greater than the present city of Beijing.


4. Standardize and reintroduce the Han Nom again.Like Koreans treating Chinese characters, they use "Han Nom" (Vietnamese-made Chinese characters) as an elective course in the K12 course.Let the government recognize it.

4、再次規範和重新介紹Han Nom。像韓國人對待漢字一樣,把“漢Nom”(越南人制造的漢字)作為K12課程的選修課。讓政府給予認可。

Plus, don't forget to make great historical dramas.Learning from the Chinese and the Koreans is wise.Given the history of Vietnam, we can have better scripts than in Korean cinema.Anyone who wants to delve into Vietnam history will find that Vietnam history is no less attractive than Chinese history.


But, to finish points 2,3,4, and 5, you have to go back to point 1: get rich first.When the Vietnamese are confident enough, cognition comes naturally without requiring you to yell on the roof.Therefore, less complaint, more action, to make the country richer


分類: 軍事
時間: 2022-02-04


1950年10月24日,彭德懷52歲生日.然而,彭德懷顯然不會想到這一點--自從30歲那一年率平江起義部隊上井岡山與"朱毛"紅軍匯合,一路征戰的彭德懷早就不記得自己的生日是哪天了. ...

1.戰爭起源 整個戰爭有兩場: 一場是北朝鮮的統一戰爭. 在中國解放戰爭的時候,北朝鮮出力不少,而且當時東北有大量的流亡朝鮮人,這些朝鮮人加入了林彪的"四野",這些朝鮮人跟著林總南 ...


應朝鮮黨和政府的請求,1950年10月19日,英雄的中國人民志願軍將士雄赳赳.氣昂昂,跨過鴨綠江,同朝鮮人民和軍隊一道,歷經兩年零九個月捨生忘死的浴血奮戰,贏得了抗美援朝戰爭的偉大勝利.在抗美援朝戰爭 ...


1950年6月,朝鮮半島南北兩端發生激烈的衝突.由於美蘇兩國的分別加入,這場戰火被引到了鴨綠江邊,剛剛成立的新中國再度面臨艱難抉擇."打還是不打,這是一個很大的問題",當時國內對於 ...


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援朝六年的炮兵——記抗美援朝老兵陳德澤 ‖ 蔣延珍
援朝六年的炮兵 --記抗美援朝老兵陳德澤 蔣延珍 姓名:陳德澤 出生年月:1927年3月19日 所獲榮譽:三次三等功.和平萬歲紀念章.抗美援朝紀念章 俗話說,人生七十古來稀.當我打電話給陳德澤老人時, ...


1953年5月,在戰場上已然灰頭土臉的美國軍方一改往日囂張跋扈的嘴臉,主動向中朝兩軍司令部提出了希望停戰和談的請求. 就在大家都以為戰爭即將結束的時候,南韓代表李承晚卻遲遲不肯在停戰協議上簽字,毛主席 ...


一.我們的1950 1950年2月美蘇冷戰時期,世界局勢暗流湧動,莫斯科的冬天格外寒冷,中國代表團經過多日鏖戰,終於推翻了上喪權辱國的<中蘇友好同盟條約>,蔣介石送給蘇聯的四大特權,毛主席 ...


1954年戴澤曾兩次赴朝鮮,用畫筆寫生記錄抗美援朝期間,在戰爭剛剛結束時,中國人民志願軍幫助朝鮮抵禦侵略.恢復建設的真實場景. 圖表 3朝鮮平壤廣場,戴澤,40×52cm,木板油畫,1954 圖表 4 ...


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澎湃新聞記者 王昕然 "我曾兩次前往朝鮮,第一次是在二次戰役後,第二次則是在1951年9月.丈夫則是經歷了二次戰役到五次戰役--"今年87歲的周本琳與其丈夫項保來都曾在抗美援朝戰爭 ...

國慶一部<長津湖)刷爆了朋友圈,好評如潮,再現抗美援朝長津湖戰役的史詩鉅製<長津湖>,打破了13項中國影史紀錄.這一場戰役之前,沒有人會相信,武器簡陋的志願軍,會主動向美軍發起圍殲戰 ...


在上個世紀,那樣一個動盪不安的戰爭年代中,美國有一位智勇雙全.擅長謀劃的軍事家.無論是他手底下計程車兵,還是美國的政府,都被他的智慧和謀略所折服,這位了不起的人物就是美國的司令官--馬修·邦克·李奇微 ...


說起<奇襲白虎團>,那可是家喻戶曉的現代京劇,根據真實事蹟改編而成,此劇一出,就受到了周恩來.朱德等黨和國家領導人的高度認可.1964年8月,毛主席也觀看了這部由真人真事改編的京劇. 得知 ...

先要說眀一下,朝鮮戰爭是指1950年6月25日凌晨朝鮮半島南北雙方的發生的戰鬥. 抗美援朝戰爭是從1950年10月19日我志願軍入朝開始. 分裂的半島南邊面積9.6萬平方公里,人口兩千一百萬.有良田和 ...


在戰爭年代,如果無奈被敵軍俘虜,士兵們為了保守軍隊機密常常能表現出大無畏的英雄氣概,寧死不屈.今天所說的英雄同樣擁有這種英雄氣概,被敵方俘虜後從未透露半點機密,熬到歸國後卻被誤會免除職務,下放農場22 ...


1950年6月,朝鮮內戰爆發.戰爭剛開始時,是北朝鮮佔盡了優勢,沒用多長時間就佔領了南部的漢城,甚至一度要統一整個朝鮮半島.這讓美國政府十分不悅,因為美國政府一直扶持的是南朝鮮的勢力,如果北朝鮮完成了 ...


北方江南在這座集自然景觀.人文古蹟.邊境風光於一體的旅遊城市,步步皆景,四季皆宜. 近年來,集安創新提出"全域發展旅遊.全民參與旅遊"的發展思路,基本形成了產業因全域旅遊更興旺.城 ...


#這是軍人的模樣# 1950年,新中國成立的喜悅還未散去,我們的軍隊又迎來了再一次的戰鬥. 抗美援朝,保家衛國.七十多年前,我們的志願軍響應中央的緊急部署號召,在鴨綠江集結,奔赴朝鮮戰場. 抗美援朝戰 ...