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鏨刻工藝的核心是 "鏨活"。操作時使用的主要工具是各式各樣的成套鏨子,這些鏨子都是自制的,是用工具鋼或彈簧鋼打製的,鋼料過火後先錘打成長約10釐米、中間粗兩頭細的棗核形坯子,之後將其前端錘打、錯磨出所需要的形狀,再經焠火處理,並在油石上反覆打磨、除錯,使之合用。最常用的鏨子有大小不等的勾鏨、直口鏨、雙線鏨、髮絲鏨、半圓鏨、方踩鏨、半圓踩鏨、魚鱗鏨、魚眼鏨、豆粒鏨、沙地鏨、尖鏨、脫鏨、搶鏨等十多種。另外,還要根據加工物件不同,隨手打製一些其他種類的鏨子。


板料的製備 無論是金銀還是銅板,傳統操作中,都是把碎料裝入坩堝,熔化中去除雜質鑄為坨錠,而後反覆過火,用錘錘打,成為合適的板料。鏨活用的板料薄厚,依作品的大小而確定,最常用的厚度是在2-0.5毫米?過厚的板材使用中往下踩和往上抬都有困難?太薄則容易鏨漏。


焊藥的配製及使用 銅焊和銀焊均屬於大焊,焊藥有老嫩區別。將銀和黃銅放入坩堝熔化,再用鋼銼錯成粉狀?老焊藥以銀8銅2比例?嫩焊藥以銀6銅4的比例摻合,之後放入小鐵鍋中加水和硼砂熬化而成。在大焊中工件有時需分先後步驟進行,先分段焊合後總體焊接,先焊的部分要用老焊藥,熔開的溫度要高些,後焊部分則用嫩焊藥,可在焊接中避免前面的焊縫開焊。

圖案紋飾摹繪 摹繪圖案經常是直接用毛筆或鉛筆畫上去,工作進行較慢,如果在一件作品上重複出現的圖案,為了使之整齊劃一,可用過紙樣的方法來操作。具體作法是先把裝飾圖案按原大比例畫在紙上,而後將紙放在錫坨上,用小刀或"脫鏨"將紋飾以外的空地"脫"去,即做成紙樣,看上去如同民間藝術中的剪紙。使用時將紙樣蘸水貼在器件上的相應部位,取一支蠟燭點燃,用蠟燭上的黑煙燻在紙樣上,待紙樣上的水分蒸發後剝落下來,即將紋飾清晰地過到"庫坯"上去了。


英文翻譯:Chisel carving is a traditional Chinese handicraft skill that comes from the ductility of metal materials such as gold, silver and copper. As a wonderful flower in the garden of Chinese traditional handicrafts, it evolves from processing technologies such as jade stone tools and bone horn tools.

From the unearthed shang and Zhou bronzes, gold and silver ware on some of the engraved text, inlays and gold and silver mistakes and other cultural relics specimens, we can see that this technology has been thousands of years of development history. Chisel carving process operation, is in the design of good shape and pattern, according to a certain process, with special tools and specific techniques, in the metal plate processing a kaleidoscope of relief pattern.

Chisel relief copper box

The shape of chisel carving handicrafts is mainly divided into flat pieces and three-dimensional round pieces. The pieces are flat-mounted on some utensils or hung up for people to appreciate, while the round pieces are mostly used as practical utensils. The completion of a fine chisel carving work requires more than ten process procedures, the operator should not only have good technology, but also according to the needs of the processing object to beat out a handy chisel tool, beat the metal plate of the workpiece, modulation fixed workpiece special glue, preparation of flux, trace pattern.

The core of chisel carving technology is "chisel". Operation is the main tool used in a wide variety of complete sets of chisel, these chisel is homemade, is made of tool steel or spring steel forging, steel material far after the first hammer growth about 10 cm, middle coarse two fine date form a casing, after its front-end hammer, wrong grinding out the required shape, then through Cui fire processing, and repeatedly on oilstone grinding, debugging, to share. The most commonly used chisels are hook chisel, straight chisel, double line chisel, hair chisel, half round chisel, square step chisel, half round step chisel, fish scale chisel, fish eye chisel, bean chisel, sand chisel, point chisel, detach chisel, snatch chisel and more than ten more. In addition, we should also make some other chisels according to the working object.

When carving, the processing object must be fixed on the plastic plate before operation. The glue board is generally made of rosin, white powder and vegetable oil in a certain proportion, and then applied on the board. When used, the glue will be baked soft, and the copper and silver workpiece can be attached to it after burning, and can be engraved after cooling. When removed, it can be detached only by heating.

The preparation of sheet metal whether gold and silver or copper plate, the traditional operation, is to put the broken material into the crucible, melting impurities in the removal of casting as tuo ingot, and then repeatedly fire, with a hammer hammer, become the appropriate sheet metal. The thickness of the movable sheet metal is determined according to the size of the work. The most commonly used thickness is 2-0.5mm? Is it difficult to step down and lift the plate that is too thick in use? Too thin will easily leak in the chisel.

The preparation and use of flux brazing and silver welding belong to big welding, flux has old and young difference. Melt the silver and brass in a crucible, and file them into powder? Old flux to silver 8 copper 2 ratio? The tender flux is mixed with silver 6 copper 4, and then put into a small iron pot with water and borax to boil. In the large welding workpiece sometimes need to be divided into steps, first segmented welding after the overall welding, the first part of the welding to use the old flux, melting temperature is higher, after welding part with tender flux, can avoid in the welding of the front weld.

Pattern decoration description painting pattern is often directly painted with a brush or pencil, the work is slow, if the pattern repeated on a work, in order to make it uniform, can be used to operate the method of paper pattern. The specific method is to draw the decorative pattern on the paper according to the original large proportion, and then put the paper on the tin lump, and use a knife or "chipping" to "take off" the space outside the decoration, that is, to make the paper pattern, looks like the paper-cut in the folk art. When using, dip the paper pattern in water and stick it on the corresponding part of the device, take a candle and light it, then smoke it on the paper pattern with the black smoke from the candle. After the moisture on the paper pattern evaporates, it will flake off, and the decoration will be clear to the "library blank".

This copper box chisel carved decorative pattern, fine in grain, four legs, shape of bronze dings, exquisite workmanship, whole without any flaw, the decorative implication auspicious, not only has high ornamental value, as well as the artistic value, because only rare, made of pure handmade, there will not be exactly the same as the collection, and so on collection market is extremely popular, has a very high collection value.

分類: 數碼
時間: 2021-10-25


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