試驗中以小鼠為模式生物,將其飼養在有汙染物的培養箱中,並每天透過鼻內滴注暴露於汙染物混合物以及胃內給維生素E,連續7天。結果表明,維生素E可以透過降低大腦中的氧化應激水平來減少因同時暴露於FA和 PM2.5 對腦組織造成的損害。
注:維生素 E 對共同暴露引起的氧化應激和炎症的抑制作用
兒童與青少年甲醛中毒會導致抵抗力下降,病毒就會趁勢入侵,從而增加患癌的風險。 經研究,兒童甲醛中毒不僅會影響智力發育,還會出現明顯的呼吸道不適,如噴嚏、咳嗽、喉痙攣以及肺水腫、支氣管炎等。 但根除甲醛有點天方夜譚,我們可以選擇像是維生素E這樣的物質去抵消它的毒害作用。
Exposure to specific air pollutants has been demonstrated to induce damage in the brain. However, these studies ignore the effects of a combination of contaminants, and there is a high likelihood that people will be exposed to a mixture of contaminants in daily life. Our previous study showed that co-exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and PM2.5 induced damage in the mouse brain at the safe exposure level for FA or PM2.5 exposure alone, and that oxidative stress and inflammation may be involved in the toxicity mechanisms.