In celebration of World Opera Day, Danish architects Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects and global firm Perkins&Will reveal designs for the new Beijing Green Heart Grand Theatre, nested in the lush sub-center of Beijing, China.
劇院建築沿曲折蜿蜒的大運河 展開,將為市民和遊客提供多元開放的交流平臺和極致專業的表演空間,再次喚醒大運河 兩岸往昔的繁華勝景。
Sitting along the banks of the UNESCO Heritage listed site, the project desires to revive the bustling waterfront and provide spaces for valuable interactions and world-class performances.
構成劇院的三個建築體量由一個共享的平臺層串聯起來,包含歌劇院、戲劇廳和音樂廳 。雕塑般的體塊融合了通州當地的漕運歷史和文化底蘊:古代的通州糧倉曾擔負著為京城儲糧的重任,而未來的劇院將為城市源源不斷地提供精神食糧。
Connected by a platform, the three buildings each house a different type of performance venue, such as a Concert Hall, Opera House and Playhouse . The project weaves the history and cultural tapestry of the site into new forms by sculpting monolithic volumes which resemble historical storehouses that once occupied the banks of the Grand Canal as it leads into the Chinese capital.
“通州自古以來便是南北漕運的交通要道和入京的重要門戶。來自南方的各種物資在進京前都將在通州中轉,它們在這裡被分類並儲存在大型倉庫中,隨時準備著在需要時被運往京城。” SHL建築事務所和Perkins&Will董事、設計總監, Chris Hardie說道:“在新的時空裡,我們將以建築的方式,打造一個運河精神和文化的容器,吸引市民和遊客來到這個新的文化目的地。”
Chris Hardie, Principal and Design Director for Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects and Perkins&Will, states, “The Tongzhou District of Beijing was an important point of trade along the Grand Canal. As goods came from the south up into Beijing they were sorted and stored in large storehouse structures ready to be moved when required downtown. Now in a kind of regional reversal we recreate these as containers of culture drawing the citizens of Beijing out to this new cultural destination.”
The project is one of many high profile wins produced by the combined studio of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects and Perkins&Will. Won in international competition in 2018, the Grand Theatre will welcome its first visitors in 2023.