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這件乾隆年制刻花碗,在燈光下呈現微微透明的表現,光線由內部折射周邊也出現了微透明,這是 天然漢白玉的表現,整件玉碗刻花精美,落款端正,工藝超絕,可以說是漢文版的‘’痕都斯坦玉‘’藏品土沁自然,開門到代,為古玩珍品,屬於罕見的館藏級藏品。



十帝幣共十枚,而十枚錢幣都集齊及其難得的,又因為其寓意“十全十美”:家庭順治、生活康熙、人品雍正、生意乾隆、事業嘉慶、前途道光、收入咸豐、內外同治、名譽光緒、萬事宣統,所以在民間傳說中十帝幣還叫十運錢,銅錢性質剛,而五行又屬金。銅錢外圓內放,外代表天,內代表地,中間皇帝號代表人,三才具備,力量特別的強大,可鎮壓諸邪扭轉乾坤;它是風水師必備之物品,據說可以旺財、開運、 化解官非是非、化解小人。可擋煞、避邪旺才,招財、鎮宅、避邪、化煞、防小人、行車保平安等。







英文翻譯:Qianlong xiao Powder white jade bowl for qianlong Emperor's mother was ill at that time, after the imperial doctor treatment research and development of Traditional Chinese medicine must be used with jade to achieve the best curative effect. Emperor Qianlong ordered artisans to rush out jade bowls - jade dishes - jade cups - jade bottles and so on. Since then, it has been known as "Qianlong Filial piety Powder".

Qianlong Xiaofen is a kind of white marble bowl made during the Reign of Emperor Qianlong. The bottom is engraved with seal characters. The inscription reads "Qianlong Year", but later it was misread as "Qianlong Xiaofen". "Qianlong xiao Powder" jade bowl, the bowl of internal and external patterns, its material is very beautiful, with light, the whole is very transparent, there is jade light feeling in addition. "Qianlong Xiaofen" (actually "Qianlong Year") is mainly a jade bowl, with few other shapes. The collection shown in the above picture is now displayed in the Ming Hu cultural relics sales platform, extremely well preserved, dark engraved shallow relief flower lines, carvings fine extreme, bottom book "Qianlong year" four-character seal script, the process is very complex, even at that time the palace is also a rare thing, very valuable collection.

Carved white marble bowl during the Reign of Emperor Qianlong

Can see inscribe: qianlong year, because of the font might easily have been mistaken as qianlong filial piety powder, so the qianlong filial piety powder has become another popular name, it stood on the professional point of view, we call this the qianlong year white marble carved bowl, bowl kemen sunflower ornamentation, and sunflower in the ancient symbol of the sun, with infinite bright implication.

Qianlong jade is getting market heat to hold in both hands is to have historical source, in all sorts of ancient jade, the quality of Qianlong jade is very high. During the Qianlong period, the Qing army deployed troops in the western regions on a large scale, re-opening the Silk Road, so that xinjiang Hetian jade materials were transported into the mainland, promoting the rapid development of jade carving technology and craft in the mainland, qianlong period also became the most prosperous era in the history of ancient Chinese jade.

The Chinese nation has a long history of using jade and making jade. The scale, output and variety of jade carving in qing Dynasty were unprecedented in the history of ancient Chinese jade carving. Its craft level sets the big achievement of the craft of past dynasties, lifted the Chinese ancient times last make jade climax, the most representative in its artistic achievement is "qianlong jade". And China from more than 2000 years ago found the white marble so high pure and elegant raw materials, the use of high-quality raw materials for the artistic creation of sculpture, has been more than 2000 years of history.

It can be seen that the color of iron ore is obvious, and the overall color is red, which proves that it is old. It penetrates into the interior, and the eight diagrams are all over the bowl.

The qianlong year hand-cut bowl, under the lights appear slightly transparent, light by internal refraction surrounding, there is a transparent, this is a manifestation of the natural white marble, the whole piece of jade bowls engraved designs elegant, inscribe, majestic, can say is han edition "mark stein ooze natural jade 'collection soil, open the door to the generation, for the antique treasures, and belongs to the rare class library collection.

The Qing dynasty was the last feudal dynasty and the one in which all ethnic groups were unified. From the entry of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were exactly ten emperors in power. The coins issued during the reign of the ten Emperors of the Qing Dynasty are collectively called "Ten Emperor coins".

Ten Emperor coins, also known as ten Emperor coins, generally refers to the currencies issued during the ten emperors of the Qing Dynasty (namely shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, xuantong).

Ten emperor currency ten, ten coin are collected and rare, and because it implies: "perfect" family shunzhi, kangxi, yongzheng and qianlong business character, life career jiaqing daoguang and xianfeng, income, and future, managment, reputation inside and outside, all the xuantong period, so in folklore emperor COINS also called ten luck money, properties of copper, and five lines of gold. The copper coins are round on the outside and placed inside, representing the heaven on the outside and the earth on the inside. The emperor number in the middle represents the people. It is fengshui master necessary items, it is said to be prosperous wealth, open, resolve the officer is not right, resolve the SIMS. Can block evil spirit, evading evil wang just, fortune, town house, evading evil spirit, change evil spirit, prevent villain, driving safety, etc.

Ten emperors palace coins in the Qing Dynasty

The Qing Dynasty had ten emperors: Shunzhi -- Kangxi -- Yongzheng -- Qianlong -- Jiaqing -- Daoguang -- Xianfeng -- Tongzhi -- Guangxu -- Xuantong. People call it ten emperors money! Moral: Family smooth cure! Life Kangxi! Yongzheng character! Business Qianlong! Career Jiaqing! Bright future! Income xianfeng! Cure both inside and outside! Honor Guangxu! All things declared!

In ancient times, a small part of the money came from the palace, which was called the palace money. The use of palace coins originated in the Tang Dynasty, and reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the palace coins were cast in official furnaces and were mainly used for the decoration of the palace's festivals. Every year in the twelfth lunar month, the department in charge of casting the palace coins would send a batch of precision cast coins to the palace as the pendant of the palace lamp. In the Qing Dynasty, the coins in the palace usually had the year number on the front and tianxia Taiping, eight diagrams, or Ji language on the back. Among these coins, shangliang coins with the year number on the front and the eight diagrams on the back are the most typical. The biggest difference between imperial money and private money is that the copper used in imperial money is fine brass and the production is exquisite.

This coin, 20 pieces of fine, clear, beautifully designed, there is no cutting deformation, perfect quality, level of collection, hemp rope through the string, and ten pieces of a string of perfection, hung with the home, can be evil evil, to be safe, to collect the most exquisite hidden qi, the twenty coin, contains the beginning and end of the qing dynasty, the collection is complete, the extremely rare, has inestimable value for collection.

分類: 收藏
時間: 2021-09-16



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