- 女性乳腺癌、惡性非霍奇金淋巴瘤和所有癌症合計;
- 男性多發性骨髓瘤;
- 兩性合計的惡性非霍奇金淋巴瘤。
無獨有偶,2013年,幾位來自西班牙權威學術機構「國家流行病學研究中心癌症與環境流行病學分部」的研究者(Javier García-Pérez et al.)在《環境國際》雜誌(Environmental International)發表了一篇論文,討論廢棄物處理設施與周邊居民健康風險的關係。他們得出結論:“研究結果支援如下假設:廢棄物焚燒廠及危險廢棄物回收利用或處置設施附近城鎮居民癌症死亡風險偏高,且具有統計學顯著性”。
該研究覆蓋1997至2006年執行的 129 座設施(其中 14 座為生活垃圾或特殊廢棄物焚燒廠)及西班牙境內 8098 座城鎮。除焚燒廠外,其他設施的型別包括:廢金屬及報廢機動車回收利用、廢油和含油廢棄物處理、包裝物(金屬和塑膠)回收利用、溶劑回收處理、老化液(廢酸)處理、其他廢棄物的物理化學處理、工業廢棄物回收利用、其他廢棄物處置。這些設施在2007年合計向大氣和水體分別排放 525428 和 4984 噸有毒物質。
研究發現,對於不同型別的廢棄物處理設施,某些惡性腫瘤發病率與居民是否住在這些設施附近(5 公里以內)具有關聯性,具體如下:
經過更為細緻的分析研究,作者認為,總體而言,具有統計學顯著性的癌症高發風險主要發生在距離廢棄物焚燒廠、廢金屬及報廢機動車回收利用設施、老化液處理設施和複合汙染源 5 公里以內的城鎮中。其中,焚燒廠附近居民都有患癌超額風險(excess risk),且男性胸膜和膽囊腫瘤,女性胃部腫瘤發病率顯著偏高,他們死於癌症的可能性甚至比其他一些設施還高。個別焚燒廠附近女性有患卵巢和腦部腫瘤的超額風險。
Background: Waste treatment plants release toxic emissions into the environment which affect neighboring towns.
Objectives: To investigate whether there might be excess cancer mortality in towns situated in the vicinity ofSpanish-based incinerators and installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste, according to the different categories of industrial activity.
Methods: An ecologic study was designed to examine municipal mortality due to 33 types of cancer, across the period 1997–2006. Population exposure to pollution was estimated on the basis of distance from town of residence to pollution source. Using Besag–York–Mollié (BYM) regression models with Integrated Nested Laplace approximations for Bayesian inference, and Mixed Poisson regression models, we assessed the risk of dying from cancer in a 5-kilometer zone around installations, analyzed the effect of category of industrial activity, and conducted individual analyses within a 50-kilometer radius of each installation.
Results: Excess cancer mortality (BYMmodel: relative risk, 95% credible interval) was detected in the total population residing in the vicinity of these installations as a whole (1.06, 1.04–1.09), and, principally, in the vicinity of incinerators (1.09, 1.01–1.18) and scrap metal/end-of-life vehicle handling facilities, in particular (1.04, 1.00–1.09). Special mention should be made of the results for tumors of the pleura (1.71, 1.34–2.14), stomach (1.18, 1.10–1.27), liver (1.18, 1.06–1.30), kidney (1.14, 1.04–1.23), ovary (1.14, 1.05–1.23), lung (1.10, 1.05–1.15), leukemia (1.10, 1.03–1.17), colon–rectum (1.08, 1.03–1.13) and bladder (1.08, 1.01–1.16) in the vicinity of all such installations.
Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis of a statistically significant increase in the risk of dying from cancer in towns near incinerators and installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste.
來源 | Javier García-Pérez, Pablo Fernández-Navarro, Adela Castelló, María Felicitas López-Cima, Rebeca Ramis, Elena Boldo, and Gonzalo López-Abente, "Cancer mortality in towns in the vicinity of incinerators and installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste", Environment International, 51 (2013), pp. 31–44.
編輯 | 毛達 Alain
公眾號 : 環境健康這些事(Toxic_Free_China)
微 博:@無毒先鋒