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編譯 | 未玖

Nature, 30 September 2021, VOL 597, ISSUE 7878




The importance of lake breach floods for valley incision on early Mars


▲ 作者:Timothy A. Goudge, Alexander M. Morgan, Gaia Stucky de Quay & Caleb I. Fassett

▲ 連結:


▲ 摘要





▲ Abstract

The surface environment of early Mars had an active hydrologic cycle, including flowing liquid water that carved river valleys and filled lake basins. Over 200 of these lake basins filled with sufficient water to breach the confining topography, causing catastrophic flooding and incision of outlet canyons. Much past work has recognized the local importance of lake breach floods on Mars for rapidly incising large valleys; however, on a global scale, valley systems have often been interpreted as recording more persistent fluvial erosion linked to a distributed Martian hydrologic cycle. Here, we demonstrate the global importance of lake breach flooding, and find that it was responsible for eroding at least 24% of the volume of incised valleys on early Mars, despite representing only approximately 3% of total valley length. We conclude that lake breach floods were a major geomorphic process responsible for valley incision on early Mars, which in turn influenced the topographic form of many Martian valley systems and the broader landscape evolution of the cratered highlands. Our results indicate that the importance of lake breach floods should be considered when reconstructing the formative conditions for Martian valley systems.


Non-Hermitian topological whispering gallery


▲ 作者:Bolun Hu, Zhiwang Zhang, Haixiao Zhang, Liyang Zheng, Wei Xiong, Zichong Yue, et al.

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▲ 摘要





▲ Abstract

In 1878, Lord Rayleigh observed the highly celebrated phenomenon of sound waves that creep around the curved gallery of St Paul’s Cathedral in London. These whispering-gallery waves scatter efficiently with little diffraction around an enclosure and have since found applications in ultrasonic fatigue and crack testing, and in the optical sensing of nanoparticles or molecules using silica microscale toroids. Here we construct a topological gallery insulator using sonic crystals made of thermoplastic rods that are decorated with carbon nanotube films, which act as a sonic gain medium by virtue of electro-thermoacoustic coupling. By engineering specific non-Hermiticity textures to the activated rods, we are able to break the chiral symmetry of the whispering-gallery modes, which enables the out-coupling of topological ‘audio lasing’ modes with the desired handedness. We foresee that these findings will stimulate progress in non-destructive testing and acoustic sensing.

材料科學Materials Science

Imaging two-dimensional generalized Wigner crystals


▲ 作者:Hongyuan Li, Shaowei Li, Emma C. Regan, Danqing Wang, Wenyu Zhao, Salman Kahn, et al.

▲ 連結:


▲ 摘要




進入石墨烯層的局域STM隧道電流由WSe2/WS2異質結構中的底層維格納晶體電子晶格調製。n = 1/3、1/2和2/3的分數電子填充下,可以直觀地看到不同的維格納晶格構型,其中n為每個位點的電子數。

n = 1/3和n = 2/3的維格納晶體分別呈現三角形和蜂窩狀晶格,以儘量減少近鄰佔據。n = 1/2態自發地打破了原來的C3對稱性,形成條紋相。


▲ Abstract

The Wigner crystal has fascinated condensed matter physicists for nearly 90 years. Signatures of two-dimensional (2D) Wigner crystals were first observed in 2D electron gases under high magnetic field, and recently reported in transition metal dichalcogenide moiré superlattices. Direct observation of the 2D Wigner crystal lattice in real space, however, has remained an outstanding challenge. Conventional scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) has sufficient spatial resolution but induces perturbations that can potentially alter this fragile state. Here we demonstrate real-space imaging of 2D Wigner crystals in WSe2/WS2 moiré heterostructures using a specially designed non-invasive STM spectroscopy technique. This employs a graphene sensing layer held close to the WSe2/WS2 moiré superlattice. Local STM tunnel current into the graphene layer is modulated by the underlying Wigner crystal electron lattice in the WSe2/WS2 heterostructure. Different Wigner crystal lattice configurations at fractional electron fillings of n = 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3, where n is the electron number per site, are directly visualized. The n = 1/3 and n = 2/3 Wigner crystals exhibit triangular and honeycomb lattices, respectively, to minimize nearest-neighbour occupations. The n = 1/2 state spontaneously breaks the original C3 symmetry and forms a stripe phase. Our study lays a solid foundation for understanding Wigner crystal states in WSe2/WS2 moiré heterostructures and provides an approach that is generally applicable for imaging novel correlated electron lattices in other systems.

The role of charge recombination to triplet excitons in organic solar cells


▲ 作者:Alexander J. Gillett, Alberto Privitera, Rishat Dilmurat, Akchheta Karki, Deping Qian, Anton Pershin, et al.

▲ 連結:


▲ 摘要



研究組表明,在大多數使用NFA的有機太陽能電池中,在開路條件下,大多數電荷重組透過非發射NFA三重態激子的形成進行;在基準PM6:Y6共混體系中,該比例達到90%,開路電壓降低60 mV。



▲ Abstract

The use of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs) in organic solar cells has led to power conversion efficiencies as high as 18%. However, organic solar cells are still less efficient than inorganic solar cells, which typically have power conversion efficiencies of more than 20%. A key reason for this difference is that organic solar cells have low open-circuit voltages relative to their optical bandgaps, owing to non-radiative recombination. For organic solar cells to compete with inorganic solar cells in terms of efficiency, non-radiative loss pathways must be identified and suppressed. Here we show that in most organic solar cells that use NFAs, the majority of charge recombination under open-circuit conditions proceeds via the formation of non-emissive NFA triplet excitons; in the benchmark PM6:Y6 blend, this fraction reaches 90%, reducing the open-circuit voltage by 60 mV. We prevent recombination via this non-radiative channel by engineering substantial hybridization between the NFA triplet excitons and the spin-triplet charge-transfer excitons. Modelling suggests that the rate of back charge transfer from spin-triplet charge-transfer excitons to molecular triplet excitons may be reduced by an order of magnitude, enabling re-dissociation of the spin-triplet charge-transfer exciton. We demonstrate NFA systems in which the formation of triplet excitons is suppressed. This work thus provides a design pathway for organic solar cells with power conversion efficiencies of 20% or more.

地球科學Earth Science

Skilful precipitation nowcasting using deep generative models of radar


▲ 作者:Suman Ravuri, Karel Lenc, Matthew Willson, Dmitry Kangin, Remi Lam, Piotr Mirowski, et al.

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▲ 摘要



研究組提出了一個用於雷達降水臨近預報的深度生成模型,以應對這些挑戰。利用統計、經濟和認知測量,該方法提高了降水預測質量、預測一致性和預測值。該模型可對廣達1536 km × 1280 km的區域進行現實且時空一致的提前5–90分鐘預測。



▲ Abstract

Precipitation nowcasting, the high-resolution forecasting of precipitation up to two hours ahead, supports the real-world socioeconomic needs of many sectors reliant on weather-dependent decision-making. State-of-the-art operational nowcasting methods typically advect precipitation fields with radar-based wind estimates, and struggle to capture important non-linear events such as convective initiations. Recently introduced deep learning methods use radar to directly predict future rain rates, free of physical constraints. While they accurately predict low-intensity rainfall, their operational utility is limited because their lack of constraints produces blurry nowcasts at longer lead times, yielding poor performance on rarer medium-to-heavy rain events. Here we present a deep generative model for the probabilistic nowcasting of precipitation from radar that addresses these challenges. Using statistical, economic and cognitive measures, we show that our method provides improved forecast quality, forecast consistency and forecast value. Our model produces realistic and spatiotemporally consistent predictions over regions up to 1,536 km × 1,280 km and with lead times from 5–90 min ahead. Using a systematic evaluation by more than 50 expert meteorologists, we show that our generative model ranked first for its accuracy and usefulness in 89% of cases against two competitive methods. When verified quantitatively, these nowcasts are skillful without resorting to blurring. We show that generative nowcasting can provide probabilistic predictions that improve forecast value and support operational utility, and at resolutions and lead times where alternative methods struggle.

Mercury stable isotopes constrain atmospheric sources to the ocean


▲ 作者:Martin Jiskra, Lars-Eric Heimbürger-Boavida, Marie-Maëlle Desgranges, Mariia V. Petrova, Aurélie Dufour, Beatriz Ferreira-Araujo, et al.

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▲ 摘要





▲ Abstract

Human exposure to toxic mercury (Hg) is dominated by the consumption of seafood. Earth system models suggest that Hg in marine ecosystems is supplied by atmospheric wet and dry Hg(II) deposition, with a three times smaller contribution from gaseous Hg(0) uptake. Observations of marine Hg(II) deposition and Hg(0) gas exchange are sparse, however, leaving the suggested importance of Hg(II) deposition ill-constrained. Here we present the first Hg stable isotope measurements of total Hg (tHg) in surface and deep Atlantic and Mediterranean seawater and use them to quantify atmospheric Hg deposition pathways. We observe overall similar tHg isotope compositions, with median Δ200Hg signatures of 0.02‰, lying in between atmospheric Hg(0) and Hg(II) deposition end-members. We use a Δ200Hg isotope mass balance to estimate that seawater tHg can be explained by the mixing of 42% (median; interquartile range, 24–50%) atmospheric Hg(II) gross deposition and 58% (50–76%) Hg(0) gross uptake. We measure and compile additional, global marine Hg isotope data including particulate Hg, sediments and biota and observe a latitudinal Δ200Hg gradient that indicates larger ocean Hg(0) uptake at high latitudes. Our findings suggest that global atmospheric Hg(0) uptake by the oceans is equal to Hg(II) deposition, which has implications for our understanding of atmospheric Hg dispersal and marine ecosystem recovery.

分類: 科學
時間: 2021-10-01



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