2014年7月,復旦大學張穎/張文宏共同通訊在DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY線上發表了題為“HBx elevates oncoprotein AEG-1 expression to promote cell migration by downregulating miR-375 and miR-136 in malignant hepatocytes”的研究論文(10.1089/dna.2014.2376),文章第一作者趙靜( jing zhao音譯)。該研究發現,miR-375 和 miR-136具有治療有乙肝病毒 X 蛋白 (HBx)相關的肝細胞癌 (HCC) 的潛力。
一位讀者聯絡了文章的第一作者趙靜博士,告知作者圖 2F文章的“Ctr”和“HBx+si-1”可能來自同一個樣本。作者檢查了兩張圖片後表示:圖片確實有問題,是一個粗心的錯誤。
2021年9月,論文作者對該文章進行了修正,對圖片進行了替換,並將更新後的手稿提交給了DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY雜誌。
2021年10月,DNA and Cell Biology 正式對該論文作出撤稿處理,並稱原因在於更新後的實驗結果並非是在原始實驗產生的。
Retraction of: HBx Elevates Oncoprotein AEG-1 Expression to Promote Cell Migration by Downregulating miR-375 and miR-136 in Malignant Hepatocytes (10.1089/dna.2014.2376)
DNA and Cell Biology officially retracts the paper entitled, ‘‘HBx Elevates Oncoprotein AEG-1 Expression to Promote Cell Migration by Downregulating miR-375 and miR-136 in Malignant Hepatocytes,’’ by Jing Zhao, Wenjie Wang, Yuxian Huang, Jing Wu, Mingquan Chen, Peng Cui, Wenhong Zhang, and Ying Zhang (DNA and Cell Biology; doi: 10.1089/ dna.2014.2376).
After the journal has published a post-publication correction to the article,1 additional considerations were made after revisiting the recently released guidelines by STM: Advancing Trusted Research.2 These recommendations indicate that replicative experiments should not be permitted if they were not generated at the time of the original experimentation.3[section A2(4)] The Editor and Publisher of DNA and Cell Biology are committed to preserving the scientific literature and the community it serves, and abides by all standard guidelines for, and proper protocols of, scientific publishing.
- [No author(s) listed]. Correction to: HBx elevates oncoprotein AEG-1 expression to promote cell migration by downregulating miR-375 and miR-136 in malignant hepatocytes by Zhao et al. Epub 2021 Sep 27. doi: 10.1089/dna.2014.2376.correx
- Working Group on Image Alterations and Duplications. STM STEC Working Group on Image Alterations and Duplications. https://www.stm-assoc.org/standards-technology/working-group-on-image-alterations-and-duplications/ Last accessed Sept. 29, 2021.
- STM Working Group on Image Alteration and Duplication Detection. STM Recommendations for handling image integrity issues. https://osf.io/kgyc6/ Last accessed Sept. 29, 2021.
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