Oystertalks 四度蠔餐飲品牌 2002 年於中國香港創立,並在2013年來到北京,是北京第一家以進口高品質生蠔為特色的西餐廳,也是北京能夠吃到品種最豐富、品質水準最高的生蠔專門店。
Oyster talks was founded in Hong Kong, China in 2002 and came to Beijing, 2013. It is the first Western restaurant which provides imported high-quality oysters in Beijing. Not only the widest variety of oysters, but also the highest quality oyster restaurant.

Oystertalks 四度蠔餐廳委託 odd 為其設計一家新店,店鋪位於北京盈科中心,是餐廳北京店的新址。之前餐廳整體採用歐式古典風格,此次搬遷後升級店面以深色調為主,使用現代風格希望能給顧客帶來與過去不一樣的體驗,這也是 Oyster talks 四度蠔餐廳對自身認知的更新。
Oyster talks entrusted okamoto deguchi design to create a restaurant as the new location of oyster talks in Beijing. Previously, oyster talks’s interior adopted European classical style. After relocation, the upgraded store mainly focuses on dark tune, and the utilization of modern style brings customers a different experience from the past. This is also the renewal of oyster talks's own cognition.
The facade of the restaurant consists of two parts, the sloping awning and the glass door. The slanted awning is different from the traditional; the simple geometric shape plays the role of rain shelter and makes the whole shape of the facade more attractive. Through the transparent door, the slanted awning is integrated with the interior dark-color wall inside, breaking the estrangement brought by the glass door. Standing outside the restaurant, you can also feel the visual impact brought by the interior atmosphere. The strong contrast between the copper-colored pick out shape and the dark interior space also makes the whole entrance particularly eye-catching.
走進餐廳內部,象徵著 Oyster talks 四度蠔品牌文化的生蠔吧檯佇立於入口處。吧檯上展示著豐富多樣的海鮮產品,8盞射燈將吧檯上新鮮生蠔的光澤表現得十分鮮美誘人。吧檯採用了環島式設計,使得吧檯區域成為客人初入餐廳後的必經之處。這樣設計能確保客人高效地瞭解餐廳招牌菜品種類,更能一目瞭然地知曉菜品的新鮮程度。吧檯立面由純手工打造的銅板面製成,銅板上的錘紋肌理呼應貝殼表面自然紋路。吧檯檯面使用不鏽鋼和石材,兩種材料的結合既能跟銅板底座產生鮮明的對比,低調奢華的氣質也不會奪走屬於海鮮產品的亮點。
Inside the restaurant, the oyster bar stands at the entrance. A variety of sea food products are displayed on the bar. 8 spot lights show the gloss of fresh oysters on the bar, makes it very delicious and attractive. The round island design of the bar makes the bar area become a must-see spot for guests after entering the restaurant for the first time. This idea ensures that guests can effectively understand the specialty of restaurant and can see at a glance the freshness of the dishes. The facade of the bar is made of hand-crafted copper with the hammer texture on the copper plate echoes the natural grain on the surface of the shell. The combination of stainless steel and stone on the bar top creates a stark contrast with the copper base, and the understated luxury does not take away from the highlights of the seafood products.
The fishtail-like wall behind the bar looks like a bright light in the deep sea. The wood texture brings a warm and quiet atmosphere to the bar.The contrast between the dark space and the wood-colored wall sets off the atmosphere of the whole bar more dazzling.
餐廳深藍色的牆面讓人彷彿置身於深海之中般幽靜;暖白色燈光照耀在白色的桌布上,讓每一桌美食變得璀璨奪目;牆壁上昏暗的壁燈和 暗色鏡面給幽靜的空間氛圍帶來些許溫馨。
The darkblue wall of the restaurant is as quiet as being in the deep sea; the warm white light shines on the white table cloth, making each table of delicious food dazzling. The dim wall lamps and dark mirrors on the wall make the quiet space atmosphere warmer.
Through the dark glass in the dining area, all kinds of wine in the low-temperature wine cabinet are displayed in front of guests, giving the space another surprise and intoxication.
The wine glasses displayed on the dark corridor wall, and the free standing wine cabinet becomes the focal point of attention in the corridor. The ceiling reflects the reflection of the corridor, adding depth to the dark corridor.
The ambiance of the private room is distinct from the dining area. The designer adopts a bright and light way to highlight the uniqueness of the private room area in the overall design. The fusion of dark blue and white shows the solitude of the deep sea and the purity of white, and the overall space is solemn but elegant.
There is a wine cabinet equal to the height of the room inside private room, and the wide array of wines also brings a touch of joy and elegance to the private room. The waved panel on the wall and the curtain with the light from the lamp bring a rich sense of layers to the whole space. The artworks on the wall are carefully selected by the client and designer, presenting a delicate and chicartistic atmosphere.
專案名稱: Oyster talks 四度蠔
建築事務所:odd (okamotodeguchi design)設計事務所
專案建築師: 岡本慶三\出口勉\曹博\魏磊
專案地點:北京三里屯 盈科中心 1F
完成年份: 2021 年 1 月
建築面積: 260 平方米
建築主要材料:牆面:深藍色乳膠漆黑色玻璃 木飾面。
傢俱:深藍色烤漆鍍銅不鏽鋼 銅板 白色大理石 。
攝影師:銳景攝影 —— 廣松美佐江/宋昱明
Project Title: oyster talks
Architecture Firm: okamoto deguchi design
Architect:Okamoto Keizo \ Deguchi Tsutomu \Cao Bo\ Wei Lei
Completion: 2021
Area:260 ㎡
Mainmaterials:Wall:dark blue emulsion paint latex\blackglass\ wood finishes Furniture:dark blue baking paint\plating brass stainlesssteel\
copper plate\white marble
Floor: wood blocks\black terrazzo
FacilityAdvise; Beijing Dongzhouji Technical Consultation
Photo:Ruijing Photo ——Misae Hiromatsu\Song Yuming