悉尼時間2021年11月27日晚,2021 WORLD MADAM世界夫人澳大利亞賽區總決賽在墨爾本A877演藝中心隆重舉行。來自澳大利亞各個分賽區,經過初賽角逐勝出的9位候選夫人透過線上和線下的方式參加了總決賽。
The 2021 Grand final of the WORLD MADAM Australian Division was held at the A877 Performing Arts Centre in Melbourne, Victoria on Saturday November 27, 2021. There nine contestants from all regions of Australia had won through participating in the finals both online and onsite.
The Grand final consists of three major competition segments:
1)self-introduction and talent performance,
2) dress show,
3) judges questions.
The Grand Final also set up an online heart-pounding audience voting award. More than 1,600 people watched the show live both onsite the Performing Arts Center and online through Uplive’s international live streaming platform.
2021WORLD MADAM世界夫人澳大利亞賽區評選獲獎夫人名單:
The list of the winners in Australian Grand Final Competition is:
冠軍:Lily Cheng夫人
Champion: Madam Lily Cheng
民選冠軍:Lia Xiao夫人
Champion selected by audience: Madam Lia Xiao
亞軍:Pansy Pan夫人
Runner up : Madam Pansy Pan
季軍:Naomi Li夫人
Bronze : Madam Naomi Li
最佳儀態夫人:Madam Tina
Most etiquette: Madam Tina
最佳品德夫人獎:Madam Star(QLD)
Most moral :Madam Star(QLD)
最佳才藝夫人獎:Madam Grace(TAS)
Most talented : Madam Grace(TAS)
最受媒體關注夫人獎:Madam Lili Zhen(NSW)
Madam media attention:Madam Lili Zhen(NSW)
最佳才智夫人獎:Madam Julie(NT)
Most intelligent: Madam Julie(NT)
最上鏡夫人獎:Madam Lia(VIC)
Most photogenic: Madam Lia(VIC)
最和諧家庭夫人獎:Madam Pansy(VIC)
Most harmony: Madam Pansy(VIC)
最傑出個人成就夫人獎:Madam Holly(QLD)
Most individual achievement: Madam Holly(QLD)
At the meantime, Madam May Hu OAM, as the Chair of the World Madam Australian Division, was awarded the Special Contribution Award for her significant contribution to the World Madam.
這次總決賽得到了社會各界的高度關注和強力支援。維多利亞州議員狄明賢Meng Heang Tak、Monash最近新上任的市長Cr Stuart James、副市長Cr Tina Samardzija、市議員羅丹Cr Nicky Luo、澳洲華人聯合會主席洪紹平、維多利亞州華聯會主席錢恆裕等多位嘉賓出席大賽,熱情致辭並全程觀看比賽,他們對各位參賽夫人在公益、慈善事業方面作出的重要貢獻和成就表示充分肯定,對參賽夫人精彩絕倫的才藝表演讚不絕口。
This event has received high attention and strong support from the local governments and all walks. Victorian MP Meng Heang Tak, Monash City new elected Mayor Cr Stuart James, Deputy Mayor Cr Tina Samardzija and City Councillor Cr Nicky Rodan Luo, Mr. Anson Hong, President of the National Liaison Chamber For Australian Chinese, Simon Qian, President of The Federation of Chinese Associations of Victoria (FCA) and other distinguish guests attended the Grand Final with enthusiasm and watched the final all the way. All contestants participating in public welfare and charity widely received appreciation. As well as their excellent performances.
Monash市長Cr Stuart James、副市長Tina Samardzija和市議員羅丹
WORLD MADAM 世界夫人全球系列活動希望透過“Crown Changes Lives 王冠改變人生” 來鼓勵更多的已婚女性在為工作、家庭、下一代辛勤付出的同時,學習如何正確關愛自己, 進而關心和參與社會公益活動,樹立更多幸福女主人榜樣力量,共同為促進“Families share Harmony and Happiness Around the Global 全球家庭共享和諧與幸福”願景和目標而 不懈努力。
Through the "Crown Changes Lives" campaign, World Madam hopes to encourage more married women to learn how to care for themselves and to participate in social welfare activities, while working hard for their job, their families and their children. We will set up more examples of happy hostesses and make unremitting efforts to promote the vision and goal of "Families share Harmony and Happiness around the Global".
We hope more and more people will join us side by side on the way to give contributions on patriotism , home care , green environment, social welfare .